You, Me and Robots


Photo Credit: Credit: Aldebaran Robotics 

Isn’t it interesting what modern electronic devices are capable of? Smartphones are programmed to speak back to us and iPads can sense our touch. These devices take photographs and store them, just like humans capture images in their memory.

These man-made metal or plastic objects are moving past just sensory capabilities. Now intelligent robots are making their debut into society. From seeing their surroundings to instantly being able to fetch information from Wikipedia upon being asked a question, there isn’t much these robots can’t do. The NAO NextGen Robot is even able to sense, think and act. Aldebaran Robotics suggests that not only can these robots recognize who they are talking to, but they can express emotions. Their creators even say that NAO NextGen robots will be found in homes by the year 2040.


Photo Credit: Credit: Aldebaran Robotics

As this evolutionary process of technology takes place transitioning to more human-like creations, where do real humans stand? Knowing this little companion robot with computer like capabilities is projected to be in homes by 2040, who knows how soon there could be robots at work. In all areas of life, most people probably won’t be able to resist their helpful benefits. In twenty years, you may find there is a small robot living in your home and playing with your kids. There may even be robots working with you in the near future; helping you with paperwork or providing information.

The danger is that when these times come, it may be difficult to remember these creations are not human. Being able to walk, talk, hear, play, dance and think doesn’t make them emotionally intelligent. Just because they are programmed to express emotions, doesn’t mean they actually have emotions.

The day to day battle of not allowing our home time, our work time or our family’s time to be consumed by interactions with electronic devices is already challenging. As technology advances and you find yourself face to face with robots, just remember they cannot understand your deepest fears or your compassionate heart. Be careful that you do not allow them to replace your family and your friends. For that matter, don’t become so emerged in technology that you become like them, a robot without true relationships or feelings.