Who’s your Daddy? Celebrating my Organization on Father’s Day

Management Monday – Managing job appreciation on Father’s Day

imagesCA1H2PT7This past weekend was the celebration of Father’s Day.  Some people traveled across the county to see their dads, some took their pops to lunch, others sent a heart-warming gift, while still others honored the memory of their father on father’s day in their own sacred way. Fathers work hard and deserve to know they are appreciated. While honoring fathers comes to us naturally, especially when there is a designated day on the calendar dedicated to them, there is another influence in our lives, which similar to a father, has fed our souls, and our pocket.  We are talking about the parallel dynamics between father’s relationships to their children and employers’ relationships to the employees.

You might be thinking “My job is terrible,” “I don’t want to think about this,” or “when’s the last time my employer treated me like family?” For some, those may be reasonable thoughts. But many times, we fail to recognize a good thing or a valuable relationship, until its gone. In the aftermath of father’s day, take a few minutes to assess job situations more carefully. If you are unhappy with your current working situation, evaluate if that feeling is justified. See a career coach, or talk to a mentor who can objectively dissect the truth.  If you realize your feelings are justified, seek guidance in career planning  and propel forward to a transition.

Employer and Parental Comparison Chart

Father-Child Relationship

Employer-Employee Relationship


Fathers encourage children’s interests and talents.

Good employers find opportunities to better utilize and grow their employee’s   interests and skills.

Children’s success is equally as important to themselves and their   parents.

A strong and healthy organization realizes the value of their human   capitol.

Fathers and mothers provide financially for their kids.

It is blatantly obvious, but sometimes employees’ nit-pick at   unimportant details which causes them to forget that payment from their   employer puts food on the table at home.

Wisdom and care shown by fathers earns the respect of their children.

Company owners and executive managers are pillars in the workforce   who seek to know what is good for the organization by balancing work and   worker needs.  Doing this right earns   the respect of their employees.

Fathers educate through personal teaching and sending their children   to school.

It is no secret that many companies offer tuition   reimbursement or special training opportunities to employees. Despite the   form it comes in, every company should be offering their employees the chance   to learn and grow.

It is important for fathers to reward children at appropriate times.

Hard-working employees   should be rewarded, be it by bonuses or just verbal expression of   appreciation.

At times, fathers must discipline and challenge children so they will   mature.

Reports   and articles say that employees who find their work challenging are more   highly motivated, more innovative and happier in general.


If it hadn’t occurred to you before just how important your job and employer-employee relationship is, now you know. Now it is up to you to evaluate if you could stand to appreciate your employer more or if you’re ready to pursue a healthier work relationship.