Escaping the Realms of La La Land

     Besides their good looks and the assortment of talents, what do Ryan Gosling, Woody Harrelson, Adam Levin, and Jim Caviezel have in common? Well, although La La Land, the 2016 motion picture starring Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone delighted many audiences and brought home Oscar Awards in six categories, in our trivia quiz, Read More

Team Assessment and Training

Ready to make progress? Get started today! Our Process of Developing Effective Teams A psychologically healthy change and development process starts with a leadership culture that fosters employee effectiveness and well-being while enhancing organizational performance and productivity. In today’s 24/7 culture, workplace pressures continue to mount. Productivity demands, information overload and increasing pressures to balance work and home Read More

Turnover Analysis

Staff Turnover High employee turnover hurts a company’s bottom line. Reports indicate that it costs close to twice an employee’s salary to find and train a replacement. And because of the damage it causes to morale among remaining employees, the costs just add up from there. Hiring the right people from the start is of Read More

Five Straight Birdies!

Management Monday: Managing your Networking skills Golf is a sport of skill and precision, but also a game of psychology. Those characteristics make the sport not that different from the world of networking. Arnold Palmer who won four of the seven Masters between 1958 and 1964. Tiger Woods and many more legendary golfers did not Read More

Networking for Influence

Get to the Top of Networking; Best of Orlando Networking How do you take on the challenge and confidence to walk into any room and put out your hand to say hello to that one individual which you believe is important to you, your goals, or your success? And if you’re a more prominent networker, Read More

Employee Selection

Ready to make progress? Get started today!   5 Behavioral Interview Question Examples: When you read a magazine, what are some favorite topics you gravitate toward? What three adjectives best describe you? How would you deal with a complaint against you? How do you build successful relationships with people? If you had to pick, what would you say Read More

Customer Service

Employee Selection Program Works Wonders For Customer Service Firm A customer service company was continually fighting an uphill battle with employee retention. It was typical for this company to experience a 60% turnover rate with new employees during their first 60 days on the job. Excessive time and money were being wasted on the constant Read More