What We Do

Ready to make serious progress? Get started today!

No matter how successful, intelligent, hard working, or value oriented we are, we all deal with our inner critic, and our external stressors.  What determines consistent life satisfaction comes from smart living or what we call Emotionally Intelligent living here in Center for Work Life.  Our clients range from professionals, parents, teams, leadership teams, entrepreneurs and anyone who has somehow recognized that life can be hard without learning to balance our needs with those of our life’s.

In today’s 24/7 society, we live busy lives.  Responsibilities, home life, student life, and/or workplace pressures continue to pile on. Productivity demands, information and technology overload, social media  and increasing pressures to be “perfect”  can take a toll on our emotional health fast, if we don’t have the tools to create a buffer between your serenity and the world of false expectations.

At Center for Work Life, as soon as you enter our doors, you can rest assured that you will be mobilized with the most effective tools to deal with any and all challenges facing you, your team, or your family.  We are the experts in Emotional Intelligence and you will be empowered as soon as you get in the game.  Life is meant to be enjoyed and you are meant to thrive.  So let us get you there!



Our menu of services is comprised of behaviorally effective and scientifically valid methodologies backed by years of research, and proven by the high accolades and testimonials given to us year after year by our clients.



 Ready to make progress? Get started today!




Center for Work Life of Orlando, Florida is an award-winning executive development firm providing leadership and management training to executives and organizations. Our main services include executive coaching, leadership development, executive succession planning, emotional intelligence training, career planning, staff development, and communication in the workplace. 

Needs and topics addressed within these categories include: management styles, situational leadership, developing leadership qualities, executive recruitment training, work life balance, emotional intelligence training,  work performance, stress management in the workplace, stress management activities, time management activities, team development, problem solving activities, management consulting training programs, professional communication, assertive communication coaching, interpersonal skills for top performers, effective communication styles,  communication techniques, public speaking skills, presentation skills, and conflict management strategies.

Effective Public Speakers can be difficult to find, but Center for Work Life has that covered too. As a leadership, communications, and change management speaker, Dr. Farnaz Namin- Hedayati of Center for Work Life raises the bar in interactive presentations. We can also help companies conduct organization research and run focus groups.