How We do it?

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Even Achilles, the greatest Greek God of strength and power had his challenge, his heel.  We are not meant to be perfect, or to have the perfect life.  We are meant to Live and Experience everything life has to offer.  As human beings, we are the most evolved species.  Our ability to creatively problem-solve makes us the most powerful creature on earth.  But we are groomed and shaped into thinking we have to do it all on our own.  The fact is, we are not!  Not even close!  We are social animals and the most social in fact.  We were not meant to think and act in isolation; but rather to learn from one another’s experiences, build on each other’s knowledge and motivate to remain motivated.

Through 17 years of research and practice, Dr. Namin has designated her life’s work to the purposeful process of helping unleash human potential.  Regardless of age, status, income, education, background and upbringing, anyone can be the best version of themselves and live the most peaceful existence through design and strategy.  That is the promise of our process and our mission here at the Center.

In spite of her years of experience and training around the globe, numerous designations, and certifications, it is more importantly, her strong desire to help lead and transform others, that Dr. Namin has sharpened her gift of being able to  pinpoint with precision, which behaviors in each of her clients are limiting their potential and which actions set the right strategy in motion for greatness.







360 Degree View

Through years of experience and involvement in your life and career, you have achieved the wisdom of where you want to be, but where you are now clouds the path and where you feel you can be. Life is a game and you are the key player. But you have to work at it to truly enjoy that game.  Regardless of the hand you feel you are given, we support you to play the best Game and have a blast while playing.




Center for Work Life of Orlando, Florida is an award-winning executive development firm providing leadership and management training to executives and organizations. Our main services include executive coaching, leadership development, executive succession planning, emotional intelligence training, career planning, staff development, and communication in the workplace. 

Needs and topics addressed within these categories include: management styles, situational leadership, developing leadership qualities, executive recruitment training, work life balance, emotional intelligence training,  work performance, stress management in the workplace, stress management activities, time management activities, team development, problem solving activities, management consulting training programs, professional communication, assertive communication coaching, interpersonal skills for top performers, effective communication styles,  communication techniques, public speaking skills, presentation skills, and conflict management strategies. 

Effective Public Speakers can be difficult to find, but Center for Work Life has that covered too. As a leadership, communications, and change management speaker, Dr. Farnaz Namin- Hedayati of Center for Work Life raises the bar in interactive presentations. We can also help companies conduct organization research and run focus groups.