Break the heels Ladies

There is a lot of talk these days about women in the workforce. Are women seeing gender discrimination? Do we earn what we are worth? Are successful female professionals seen in a negative light? The debates are limitless. No matter the reality of those situations, we always have the ability to make continuous improvement and break new ground. Sometimes it is beneficial to block the noise like those listed above which are speculations or what we like to call “street talk”. So for today, let’s set the debates aside, cut through all the talk and just focus on a formula for overcoming daily work battles. Here are some tips to remember, which will help you succeed as a woman at work.


Credit: Center for Work Life

Credit: Center for Work Life

Tips for Professional Ladies in the Workplace:

H.E.E.L.S. to remember…


Heart –

Compassion and empathy are commonly associated as feminine traits. Those qualities are positive and important in a workplace.  Ros Ficklets of Walmart sums it up well “I believe one of the key factors in the success of women business owners today is having a deep desire to live with purpose… by pursuing their dreams, creating and building, providing for their family, giving back to the community and hopefully inspiring others.” The point here is to use that balance of heart and logic to your advantage.  Don’t view your qualities as a set-back. Be compassionate and play fairly, because those qualities keep your team genuine. Staying true to values on a daily basis and allowing room for empathy and compassion will take you far. Continuing your emotional intelligence growth will improve your career. Just remember not to be so kind that you become a piñata.


Endurance – 

Endurance is the ability to withstand hardships, pain, set-backs, stress and other adverse conditions. Every professional adult has endurance which has delivered them to the here and now. Remember your endurance on a daily basis, ladies. When the road gets tough or your confidence is shot, think of another time you thought you would fail, but made it through.



Energy – 

Keep your energy up! Think of energy not just in the physical sense, but emotional and mental as well. All of these energy forms are increased through positive reinforcement and healthy habits. Get your needed rest, eat healthy and exercise so you are always ready for a new day. Make healthy work and home relationships a priority or else your energy will suffer greatly, hindering positive work performance.

Laughter –

A sense of humor is important at work as it is at home. The article, The Benefits of Laughter, published by Psychology Today, mentions that laughter “establishes or restores a positive emotional climate.” Your ability to find humor in day-to-day mishaps not only improves your productivity due to a better mood, but it improves morale in the office place.


See with Tunnel Vision –

Many times, women place walls for themselves where there need not be.  Another feminine trait, conscientiousness is at play here.  Since 1903, women have earned many rights by stepping in and making waves.  However, rights come with responsibility and accountability.  As women we are expected to be great homemakers, great moms, strong professionals, and at the same time dress well, look like fashion supermodels and have perfectly groomed manicured physical appearance, nurse our babies for at least two years etc. etc..  As a result many women succumb to giving up on their priorities, because they still feel that they are expected to meet those other goals and there are only 24 hours in a day.  Picking and choosing priorities and getting goals done is at the heart of self-confidence, so is a sense of good work-life balance.  Here we can learn something from our male counterparts, tunnel-vision.  Although not generally seen as a positive attribute, it is in fact an evolutionary phenomenon which has served our species very well.   Although our brains and physique may dictate otherwise, we can train our mind to be aware and eventually trained to be not so peripheral.  Who do you want to be? Find it and don’t bend.


Take these little reminders with you as you move forward in your career. Listening to your heart, remembering how you’ve always endured, keeping up your energy and a little laughter will make the hard days better and the great days amazing.