Bright Horizons Introduces New Work-Life Balance Program

Bright Horizons and the charity, National Childbirth Trust (NCT), has introduced a work-life balance program into their workplace.

The program, Working Family Advantage, helps employers create a family-friendly culture in the workplace.

It includes:

  • One-to-one coaching sessions to help parents and carers find a work-life balance.
  • Group training and development sessions to develop manager and employee skills in addressing the competing demands of work and family.
  • An employee assistance program (EAP), which offers a variety of services to protect organisations against stress litigation and improve employee effectiveness.
  • Back-up car if one breakdowns in planned care arrangements so employees can focus at work.
  • Membership of the NCT, which offers access to a host of information and support for soon-to-be or new parents.

Alan King, managing partner at Workplace Options, said: “Organizations that learn to support these employees now will be the most successful in the longer term.

“Parents and carers often develop skills that are crucial to business success, such as leadership, planning and multi-tasking. It makes practical sense to retain these talented employees, and financially it also impacts positively on the bottom line.”

What are you waiting for? Contact us at 407-217-2560 and we will put a program together tailored to fit to your company’s specific needs.