Work and Live your Relationships as a Sponge
Evolution. What does it really mean? The first creature we would recognize as human called homo ergester first appeared in Africa two million years ago. Not long when compared to the Oldest species that inhabited earth over 600 million years ago. These species include sharks, ants, Jelly Fish and Sponges among others. The phrase survival Read More

The Miss Bum Bum Bomb
Who doesn’t like movies like Grease, Terms of Endearement, Tootsie, Clueless, or Men in Black? In fact these movies were the highest grossing movies in their category and are still the most highly rated clips in the media. However, the truth is that all these movies have one fact in common. They all make sexual Read More

I Send You Sheep Among a Pack of Wolves
Office Politics is the inevitable. If you feel uneasy with resolving conflict or looking at it in the eye, you certainly have a hurdle to jump over. Whether you believe in reincarnation, god, or simply the psychology of fear and life, they all basically say the same thing: What you fear most, will ultimately be Read More

The Ebola Virus and Your Career
You are probbaly wondering what does Ebola have to do with your career, other than the fact that god forbid you somehow contracted the illness and had to be in quarentine, etc. etc. No, that is not where we are going with this. Although the Ebola virus in our eyes as human being and victims Read More

Managing Introverts like Audrey Hepburn
Management Monday: Managing and Motivating Introverts Modern business is all about extroverts, teams and collaboration, which is great. However, history has proven that it’s important not to overlook the value of introverts. The world recognizes introverts such as Warren Buffet, Jo Rowling, Johnny Depp, Audrey Hepburn and Steven Spielberg as some of the most impactful Read More

Your American Hustle
Management Monday: Managing Personal Accountability American Hustle claimed 10 Academy Awards and seems to have won America’s love as an instant classic film. Even after weeks in the spotlight, leading actress, Jennifer Lawrence is still grabbing headlines for her edgy performance. And sure, it’s good entertainment. Unfortunately, the “hustle” mentality portrayed by the fictional characters Read More

The True Detective of Candidate Rejection
Management Monday: Managing Rejection Most Human Resources professionals know that no matter how poorly written a resume or how badly spoken a candidate, it is never appropriate during the employee selection process to treat a candidate with anything less than respect. Unfortunately, employers don’t always stick to that sensible rule when rejecting candidates. In fact, Read More

EI & Conflict Resolution: Perception Management
This Blog has been featured by the West Orange Chamber of Commerce. Sources such as HLN have also been home to publications by Dr. Farnaz Namin-Hedayati and she has been cited by the Orlando Business Journal. It’s the holiday season and for the most part spirits are warm with joy. But holidays often bring poor communication and relationship stress between Read More

Donald Trump Or Donald Duck?
This Blog has been featured by the West Orange Chamber of Commerce. Sources such as HLN have also been home to publications by Dr. Farnaz Namin-Hedayati and she has been cited by the Orlando Business Journal. Leadership Qualities Donald Trump Could Adopt Center for Work Life has a monthly theme that interlaces through our publications and media content. This month’s theme Read More

“What Not to Ask” on Veterans Day
This Blog has been featured by the West Orange Chamber of Commerce. Sources such as HLN have also been home to publications by Dr. Farnaz Namin-Hedayati and she has been cited by the Orlando Business Journal. Across America this Veterans Day, events and ceremonies are honoring brave veterans. These are leaders who have sacrificed time with their families and sometimes Read More