How to do the things you love

This Management Monday, let’s look at managing interests There is a lot more to finding happiness than earning a big paycheck. You may have noticed that some people seem extremely fulfilled in life while others seem unmotivated and down. Further investigation will show that a large majority of the time, happy individuals aren’t necessarily rich Read More

Want to be headhunted?

Imagine that it’s 4:30pm in the afternoon at the end of a busy work day. The phone rings and you answer to find out a headhunter is interested in recruiting you for a job. Maybe your job is a perfect fit, or maybe not. However, if this is a scenario that does entice you, then Read More

Mothers ask “To work or not to work?”

It is Management Monday! Let’s talk about mothers managing the important decision making topic of going back to work. Do you know a mother or are you a mother who is thinking about going back to work? Chances are you are familiar with this cross-road in some way. Recently, Pew Research reported that the percentage Read More

Job change with rose colored glasses

Things at work seem to be growing more stressful by the day. There are still the same complaints among co-workers about this client or that old software. You’re just feeling burnt out. Add to all that the seemingly endless demands of your position, that keep growing. Now you’re considering a new career path. Maybe that Read More

Succession Planning: Planting Leadership Seeds

It is realistic to acknowledge that at some point, you may receive a promotion or have new job opportunities. When that time comes, have you thought about what seeds you will have planted so that your job duties are still fulfilled? Will you have trained a successor to fill your specific job title? Will you Read More

Is Your Parachute the Right Color?

Unemployment has caused a havoc among all layers of society. Many students are no longer interested to continue college because they see their graduated counterparts standing without steady paychecks.  Furthermore, midlevel and c-level executives have experienced many layoffs which have created confusion and disarray about future plans and goals and discouragement.  Most of the change Read More

The War for Talent

New data is showing that more than half of your executive talent is likely to leave your company during the course of the next year. So why are executives considering a career change? More importantly, what can you do to make these executives want to stay? Take a look at this data provided by ExecuNet. Read More

Business Etiquette You Need to Follow

Etiquette is all about making others feel good, ensuring some basic social comforts to be more exact. Read below for some business etiquette that you need to make sure you’re following…   1) Send a thank you note – It doesn’t take long to write out a thank you note. Especially when you really want Read More

Goldman Sachs

It is important to be on good terms in any relationship; this is especially true for employers and employees. Employers must form and keep a great relationship with the people who work for them. Employers are entrusting employees with valuable information that keeps their business up and running. Greg Smith is a perfect example of Read More

Apple Creates Jobs

In a recent article, Apple claims to have created 514,000 jobs in the United States. Apple claims that not only have they created jobs but, they had other companies like Fedex create jobs because of Apples sales. Click here to read more….