Your Zimmerman Hurricane Plan
Organizations like to be prepared for hurricanes and other natural disasters, but how much stock is put into preparation for other unpredictable disasters? How would your organization react if Jodi Arias or George Zimmerman were your employees when they gained national attention in murder trials? What about the struggles that might result from high media attention Read More

Are you in more danger than a Firefighter at work?
Consider safety and health at work Don’t panic just yet, but buckle up for the crazy truth. On top of your daily meetings, communications, reports and basic tasks, you really need to be mindful of your safety and health on the job. In a report issued by the Bureau of Labor Statistics in 2011, Firefighters Read More

Reporting Co-Workers prevents a Drinking Pilot?
Monday Management Topic: Managing Co-Worker Struggles Sometimes the common good for all out-weighs loyalty. In an ideal world, we would all get along on the job and no one would ever step out of line or make terrible decisions. A work environment would consist purely of friendly interactions and hardworking people. However, this isn’t an Read More

How to get Promoted
Do’s and Don’t of Promotions I work with many individuals who are shakers and movers. They have been with their organization for at least 10 years, have a strong sense of their job duties and requirements, and yet are passed during promotions. They come to me, because they are tired of being the “door Read More

Defensive Communication: Nassau Shooting Study
For some it may feel quite disheartening and for others it may be what they are accustomed to, but defensiveness in communication is a scary habit to form. Defensive behavior happens when an individual perceives the message as a threat. Based on information collected by the Office of Naval Research, Jack R. Gibb explains that Read More

Evolve to Resolve
It is Management Monday: How do you manage Conflict Resolution? Conflicts can be a huge set-back at work. Depending on the severity of the situation, disagreements can be devastating. If you’ve found yourself in a challenging conflict with a manager or co-worker, the first step is to envision the perfect scenario. In our workshops regarding conflict resolution, we Read More

Do you have Stanley stress?
There are different categories for stress, but let’s talk about stress that can be controlled. This is stress that stems from personal actions and emotions. Maybe you missed the bus and are running late to work or perhaps a relationship with a co-worker is in a rough patch which is causing you stress. The reality Read More

Dig deeper to avoid CEO terminations
Senior level terminations have been on the rise. A recent Korn/Ferry international survey found that 48 percent of 262 participants were terminated from senior level positions within their first year on the job. Some CEO terminations seem to be tied to business and financial performance, such as Groupon’s recent firing of CEO, Andrew Mason. However Read More

“March Madness” or “March sadness”?
We all know the upheaval caused by March Madness every year. Each company has to determine on their own what stance to take on dealing with March Madness in the workplace. The question is “Will it be ‘March Madness’ or ‘March sadness’ this year at your company?” We can’t answer what approach is Read More

Job change with rose colored glasses
Things at work seem to be growing more stressful by the day. There are still the same complaints among co-workers about this client or that old software. You’re just feeling burnt out. Add to all that the seemingly endless demands of your position, that keep growing. Now you’re considering a new career path. Maybe that Read More