Welcome AI Talent, Goodbye Seasoned Talent
Ageism and general discrimination in the workplace is nothing new: for years, companies, managers, and even coworkers who have learned best from seasoned employees have presented a negative attitude towards individual employees simply because of their age. Perhaps this view is fueled by the thought that an aging individual cannot perform their job as efficiently, Read More

Catch 4th of July Fireworks With Situational Leadership
Leadership has always been defined using various terms and definitions depending on the type of company, the workplace culture, and the type of personality a leader exhibits. Different leaders employ different leadership styles according to what they feel will best accompany the situation at hand and what their team will respond the best to at Read More

Leadership of Narcissistic-codependent Human Capital
Recently, I was called by one of my CEO Coachees (we’ll call him Jeff) who was experiencing quite a lot of stress because his organization, AKA he was getting sued for unlawful termination. The short of the story was that apparently a very well liked employee was reported by her direct supervisor to be underperforming Read More

Texas Church Shooting Leadership Lessons
Texas Church Shooting Leadership Lessons As a generation Xer, there used to be a time when as an elementary school girl, I walked 10 miles from home to school, in the busy streets of a major city, walked back home, stopped by on the way home, bought a snack from my favorite snack shop with Read More

Leadership Deficits of Harvey Weinstein
Privacy is a concept very well confused in our culture today. In an era where almost all of our electronic devices track our everyday move, our psychographics and socio-economic decisions give life to Big Data and Artificial Intelligence to sell the next big thing, without our permission, and social media networks know where we go and Read More

The Trumped-up Story of Power
In a previous LinkedIn post, we had discussed that as a culture, we are apparently not the only people duped by narcissistic leaders. “While narcissists may look like good leaders, according to a new study by University of Amsterdam, they’re actually really bad at leading”. As published in the journal of Psychological Science, “because narcissistic individuals Read More

Customer is Always Right!
We know that using a one-size-fits-all approach will not create the kind of buy-in needed to get the total organization working together. In addition we know that to be competitive, the offer has to be branded consistently but also to fit a need. So what separates between the need to standardize vs. the Read More

The Ebola Virus and Your Career
You are probbaly wondering what does Ebola have to do with your career, other than the fact that god forbid you somehow contracted the illness and had to be in quarentine, etc. etc. No, that is not where we are going with this. Although the Ebola virus in our eyes as human being and victims Read More

Emerging Leaders: The Achiever, Alex DiCaro
Recognizing Leadership Style: Welcome to the Emerging Leaders Blog series. Center for Work Life put on thinking caps to determine a method for reaching out and assisting leaders in the local Orlando community. The Emerging Leaders blog series based on the SPM (Spony Profiling Model) is the result. Not only has this series assisted notable Read More

Emerging Leaders: Official Leadership Style Guide
Management Monday: Managing Your Leadership Style Welcome to the Emerging Leaders Blog series. Center for Work Life put on thinking caps to determine a method for reaching out and assisting leaders in the local Orlando community. The Emerging Leaders blog series based on the Spony Profiling Model (SPM) was the result. Not only did the series assist Read More