Huricane Irma And Our Psychological Wellbeing
We all know that negative thoughts directly impact our happiness. But did you know that negative thoughts are actually literally poisonous to our psychological and emotional health? Case in Point Let’s imagine you are sitting in your family room after having watched the news on TV regarding the much anticipated hurricane Irma. You are by Read More

Executive Time Performance Management
Executive Time Performance Management The culture of quick riches, and success by how much you own and how many people you know, has given life to a “more is better” mentality. Movie such as Equilibrium, and Limitless have portrayed the transformation of the human capacity with “miracle” prescription drugs that allow one to do more Read More

Perfect Leadership Defined
Fact: The more successful you are, the greater your risk of developing blind spots. Why? Because we all suffer from Hubris to some various degrees. If you have ever attended one of our workshops on Emotional Intelligence, you have undoubtedly heard Dr. Namin speak on Hubris and how the greatest Achilles for most CEOs Read More

The Trumped-up Story of Power
In a previous LinkedIn post, we had discussed that as a culture, we are apparently not the only people duped by narcissistic leaders. “While narcissists may look like good leaders, according to a new study by University of Amsterdam, they’re actually really bad at leading”. As published in the journal of Psychological Science, “because narcissistic individuals Read More

Work and Live your Relationships as a Sponge
Evolution. What does it really mean? The first creature we would recognize as human called homo ergester first appeared in Africa two million years ago. Not long when compared to the Oldest species that inhabited earth over 600 million years ago. These species include sharks, ants, Jelly Fish and Sponges among others. The phrase survival Read More

Escaping the Realms of La La Land
Besides their good looks and the assortment of talents, what do Ryan Gosling, Woody Harrelson, Adam Levin, and Jim Caviezel have in common? Well, although La La Land, the 2016 motion picture starring Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone delighted many audiences and brought home Oscar Awards in six categories, in our trivia quiz, Read More

Doctor, Doctor, Give Me the News
During the past few years, I have increasingly come across more and more individuals, both men and women who have expressed “boredom” with their relationships or worst yet, with their marriages. In the tradition of research, I sought to discover what were some of the reasons for the boredom and here is a Read More

Spring Cleaning; Nip Conflict in the Bud!
With the New Year, comes the promise of new hope and new beginnings. However, it could also mean repeating old habits and avoiding the same old patterns unforturnately. How about a dose of spring cleaning before March comes around? How about openning that old closet, and taking out the baggage that is taking unneccessary space Read More

Career-Planning: How to Plan for the Interview Process
The unreliable economy and the changes in the job market have certainly impacted the hiring the process negatively. There are now more applicants applying for the same position and applicants are expanding their search to larger geographical distances. Needless to say, the hiring organizations are becoming more selective because they know there many more applicants Read More

Elon Musk’s Magic card
People like to be consistent with the things they have previously said or done. In being able to connect to people in an emotionally intelligent way and to be able to persuade them, there are several factors that play a part; and one of them is consistency. Consistency is done or activated by looking for Read More