Why Your Company Needs To Hire Leaders
The value of good leaders within a company is sometimes underestimated. Leaders bring efforts together, magnify skills and improve the bottom-line. Here’s Why You Should Value Your Leaders: 1) They build morale2) They inspire confidence3) They establish a strong image4) They emphasize company mission5) They are vested in everyone’s success6) They innovate7) They align goals8) They Read More

The True Detective of Candidate Rejection
Management Monday: Managing Rejection Most Human Resources professionals know that no matter how poorly written a resume or how badly spoken a candidate, it is never appropriate during the employee selection process to treat a candidate with anything less than respect. Unfortunately, employers don’t always stick to that sensible rule when rejecting candidates. In fact, Read More

“Ballmer Away Microsoft!”
What could be Microsoft’s biggest mistake when Steve Ballmer leaves in twelve months? Organizations are suffering due to high CEO turnovers. In fact, Chief Executive turnover hit a three-year high in July, as reported by The Hill. No company is immune, including Microsoft. The organization recently announced that Microsoft Chief Executive Steve Ballmer will retire Read More

Who’s your Daddy? Celebrating my Organization on Father’s Day
Management Monday – Managing job appreciation on Father’s Day This past weekend was the celebration of Father’s Day. Some people traveled across the county to see their dads, some took their pops to lunch, others sent a heart-warming gift, while still others honored the memory of their father on father’s day in their own sacred Read More

How to get Promoted
Do’s and Don’t of Promotions I work with many individuals who are shakers and movers. They have been with their organization for at least 10 years, have a strong sense of their job duties and requirements, and yet are passed during promotions. They come to me, because they are tired of being the “door Read More

Want to be headhunted?
Imagine that it’s 4:30pm in the afternoon at the end of a busy work day. The phone rings and you answer to find out a headhunter is interested in recruiting you for a job. Maybe your job is a perfect fit, or maybe not. However, if this is a scenario that does entice you, then Read More

Mothers ask “To work or not to work?”
It is Management Monday! Let’s talk about mothers managing the important decision making topic of going back to work. Do you know a mother or are you a mother who is thinking about going back to work? Chances are you are familiar with this cross-road in some way. Recently, Pew Research reported that the percentage Read More

Combating the Unemployment rate
The March 2013 unemployment numbers are in from the Bureau of Labor Statistics and they aren’t exactly cause for celebration. Having only dropped 0.1% to a national unemployment rate of 7.6%, employers and employees have reason for concern. Fortunately, companies are slowly hiring on new employees, though they seem to be hesitant. This is understandable as with Read More

Dig deeper to avoid CEO terminations
Senior level terminations have been on the rise. A recent Korn/Ferry international survey found that 48 percent of 262 participants were terminated from senior level positions within their first year on the job. Some CEO terminations seem to be tied to business and financial performance, such as Groupon’s recent firing of CEO, Andrew Mason. However Read More

The Small Business Employee Puzzle
It is Management Monday! The time of the week set aside for addressing anything from time management to management roles… Let’s talk about managing employee dynamics within organizations! Every piece must be included and positioned correctly to accurately completely a puzzle; businesses employee choices are no different. In order to be successful, a business must Read More