Who let the hooligans out?
Management Monday: Managing professional life as a Millennial Overly sensitive, head-strong, lazy, selfish, flighty and entitled are just some of the words that have been used to describe Millennials. *Gasp* Anyone born between 1976 and 2001 (Millennials) has just been thoroughly insulted. Well, don’t be offended just yet, keep reading. Innovative, hard-working, entrepreneurial, inspired Read More

Fact check or Asiana Flight your way to write the Check
When under the gun, employees often face pressure to perform quickly and efficiently, but that isn’t always how it goes. Let’s turn to the USA Today article Asiana to sue S.F. TV Station over bogus pilot names as an example. Following the tragic crash of Asiana Flight 214, KTVU News-station reported the names of the Read More

Despicable Golden Corral Compass
Though it may not be a material compass like the one used in the movie The Golden Compass, using a moral compass in business and life is crucial for success. Have you utilized your moral compass lately? In other words, are you inspecting the best value-based path for yourself and your organization? If you’re not Read More