Daring to have grit, but not eat too many grits

Psychologist, Angela Lee Duckworth launched The Duckworth Lab at the University of Pennsylvania. According to The Duckworth Lab theory and Angela’s research, grit and self-control are the two main traits that predict an individual’s success. What’s the difference between having grit to accomplish dreams and having self-control not to over eat grits at breakfast? Grit Read More

Washington Navy Yard: Turn the Ship Around

This morning, a shooting on the Washington Navy Yard resulted in several injuries and even some fatalities (CBSNEWS). In thinking of the people affected by this situation, our hearts are heavy. With the advents of technology, learning to penetrate a security fire-wall has become a lot more possible than it used to be and although Read More

Executive Suicides Under Pressure

“Pressure pushing down on me, Pressing down on you.” You may recognize those lyrics from the famous Queen and David Bowie song called Under Pressure. No doubt, this song calls to mind the realization of stress and fear in life. Fear of failure, fear of pain, fear of rejection and more are landing people every Read More

Bye Bye Birdie

12 Resignation Pointers Is it time to relocate? Another organization has offered you your dream job or possibly perks your current job has been lacking. You may not have even been looking for an opportunity, but something amazing fell in your lap. Despite what brought you to this point, you’ve accepted a new position or Read More

“Ballmer Away Microsoft!”

What could be Microsoft’s biggest mistake when Steve Ballmer leaves in twelve months? Organizations are suffering due to high CEO turnovers. In fact, Chief Executive turnover hit a three-year high in July, as reported by The Hill. No company is immune, including Microsoft. The organization recently announced that Microsoft Chief Executive Steve Ballmer will retire Read More

Cotton Gins and Iphones on Labor Day

Labor Day is around the corner so everyone’s making travel plans and thinking about gas prices. There’s nothing wrong with that, but here in our corner, we’ve been thinking about the spirit of Labor Day. Sure, Labor Day fun facts are popping up around the internet: Labor Day began in Canada in 1872 (Forbes) and Read More

The Next Oprah Winfrey

Though it isn’t immediately the first thought that surfaces when thinking of Oprah Winfrey, she is a very appropriate leader to emulate when it comes to personal and organizational goal alignment. As a woman who aimed to be a millionaire by age 32 and surpassed her aim, Oprah Winfrey can attest to the power of Read More

Five Straight Birdies!

Management Monday: Managing your Networking skills Golf is a sport of skill and precision, but also a game of psychology. Those characteristics make the sport not that different from the world of networking. Arnold Palmer who won four of the seven Masters between 1958 and 1964. Tiger Woods and many more legendary golfers did not Read More

Kendrick Lamar of Performance Appraisals

It seems Lamar got a lot of heat because he decided to uninvitedly evaluate his performance as the “best in show” and his peers as “shovel” worthy (ABC News).  Actions, not uncommon we would say in the corporate world.  We call them “Performance Appraisals”, but anything from faulty metrics used as guidelines, to when or Read More

Tissues and Hershey Kisses

Management Monday: What can Hershey teach us about managing our leadership qualities? From the scrumptious milk chocolate Hershey’s we can’t resist at the check-out line on a weekly basis to the average $100.2 million dollars worth of Hershey kisses we purchase annually, there’s no denying the joy this chocolate brings to our lives.   Ironically, Read More