Broken down on the highway of balance distress?

Recently we discussed work life balance challenges for men. The topic is on the rise and there is no denying that many working fathers are broken down on the highway of cultural and personal balance distress, searching for resolution. Fortunately, more and more working dads are making progress for the better, as is shown in Read More

The Culture Chicken or the Turnover Egg?

Which came first: the organization’s poor culture (the chicken) or high turnover (the egg)? Realistically, the answer to that question is much less important than the solution to breaking the cycle. Don’t worry, this discussion isn’t about exterminating chickens, but rather exterminating negativity, lack of unity and unnecessary turnover. Employer’s who spend years dealing with Read More

Let’s talk about Sex and Work-life balance

Management Monday: How is the male sex struggling to manage work life balance? From high-school vampires to over-the-top soap operas, television often misses the mark on portraying realistic situations. Once in a while though, realistic situations featuring relatable characters come across the screen. Tom Scavo, a character from Desperate Housewives, was one such character. Trying Read More

Come on Undercover Boss, “Turnover” a new leaf

Management Monday: Managing Executive and Employee Communication A disconnect between corporate headquarters and stores is often a stifling problem for organizations, even if they don’t realize it. Executives become busy at the headquarters, frequently having to work through their lunch break (2013 Executive Shadowing study). Every day meetings, emails, and tasks flood their schedule. At Read More

Where are your “Royal Babies?”

The birth of Prince William and Kate’s baby has brought about many discussions on the topic of succession. Although, succession is something the British monarchy has down to an art, by contrast, most companies haven’t even wet the canvas.  This may be partially due to the fact that leaders unlike princes and princesses are not Read More

Hill County Farms Cattle

Management Monday: Managing Work Life Balance in Organizations Though the analogy may not be pleasant to think of, one might be justified in comparing an over-worked employee to a cow at a slaughterhouse. Offended? Keep reading. Overworked by the way doesn’t necessarily refer to a unit of time, where exceeding a number yields danger.  It Read More

What’s Mine Isn’t Yours

Shakespeare said “what’s mine is yours, and what is yours is mine.” But what about the part of mine that isn’t yours”? Shared possessions aren’t exactly a practicality in the business world. Negotiations are the reality of the professional arena. Some of us know how to hardball and get what we want out of a Read More

Your Zimmerman Hurricane Plan

Organizations like to be prepared for hurricanes and other natural disasters, but how much stock is put into preparation for other unpredictable disasters? How would your organization react if Jodi Arias or George Zimmerman were your employees when they gained national attention in murder trials? What about the struggles that might result from high media attention Read More

Lions and Tigers and Confidence, oh my!

It’s all about confidence on Management Monday Laugh if you will, but who hasn’t struggled with confidence? Maybe you turned away from that sport you once loved or that hobby that could have been fun, because you didn’t think it was “your strong suit.” What about the promotion at work that you haven’t had the Read More

Making friends at Monsters University

First comes high school, then comes college, then comes the stress of adulthood. Like Sully and Wazowski in Monsters University, most of us find surprising friendships and build lifelong relationships when we attend college. After that, every minute of the day becomes consumed in meeting deadlines, skill development, taking care of the kids and balancing Read More