Work and Live your Relationships as a Sponge

Evolution. What does it really mean? The first creature we would recognize as human called homo ergester first appeared in Africa two million years ago. Not long when compared to the Oldest species that inhabited earth over 600 million years ago. These species include sharks, ants, Jelly Fish and Sponges among others. The phrase survival Read More

Spring Cleaning; Nip Conflict in the Bud!

With the New Year, comes the promise of new hope and new beginnings.  However, it could also mean repeating old habits and avoiding the same old patterns unforturnately.  How about a dose of spring cleaning before March comes around?  How about openning that old closet, and taking out the baggage that is taking unneccessary space Read More

I Send You Sheep Among a Pack of Wolves

Office Politics is the inevitable. If you feel uneasy with resolving conflict or looking at it in the eye, you certainly have a hurdle to jump over. Whether you believe in reincarnation, god, or simply the psychology of fear and life, they all basically say the same thing: What you fear most, will ultimately be Read More

Customer is Always Right!

We know that using a one-size-fits-all approach will not create the kind of buy-in needed to get the total organization working together.  In addition we know that to be competitive, the offer has to be branded consistently but also to fit a need.     So what separates between the need to standardize vs. the Read More

The Ebola Virus and Your Career

You are probbaly wondering what does Ebola have to do with your career, other than the fact that god forbid you somehow contracted the illness and had to be in quarentine, etc. etc.  No, that is not where we are going with this.  Although the Ebola virus in our eyes as human being and victims Read More

America’s Got Talent. Do you?

The most recent episode of America’s Got Talent was conducted in a different manner than usual and many attribute this difference to Howard Stern and his thinking out of the box mentality. In a nutshell and we will come back to this later, he referred to the delivery of results, but through engagement rather than Read More

Elon Musk’s Magic card

People like to be consistent with the things they have previously said or done. In being able to connect to people in an emotionally intelligent way and to be able to persuade them, there are several factors that play a part; and one of them is consistency. Consistency is done or activated by looking for Read More

Leadership Qualities of Larry Page

Larry Page is the man who had a dream that the internet could be downloaded and saved as links so websites could be more quickly accessed. This was the dream from which Google was born. In addition to being the co-founder of Google, Page has also won awards such as the Marconi Prize and TR100 Read More

Hold Leaders Accountable

Management Monday: Managing Leaders National Legion recently landed in a sticky situation. Despite being the country’s largest organization of Wartime Veterans, providing financial, social and emotional support to members of the United States Armed Forces, veterans and their dependants, the group likely faces serious changes in leadership thanks to lack of accountability. Sometimes known simply Read More

Leadership Qualities of Ginni Rometty

Virginia Marie “Ginni” Rometty has been at IBM since 1981 and now acts as Chairwoman and CEO for the company. IBM is number four on the “World’s Most Valuable Brands” list and employs 466,995 people (Forbes). Managing one of the world’s largest workforces isn’t easy, but Ginni gets it done. She has been on Fortune Read More