X Men Style Leadership & Strategic Planning

Life is full of surprises and unexpected challenges. Business is also full of unpredictable circumstances. However, the negative impact of unforeseeable situations is greatly minimized when a plan is in place to deal with the problem. A great example of a strategic planner is Professor Xavier from X Men (loved character of the X Men Read More

The Amazing Race for a Great Speaker

Management Monday: How to Manage the Speaker Hiring Process A great speaker should ignite in their audience a feeling like they’re on The Amazing Race. Their hearts should be pumping, eyes wide and spirits ready to tackle the challenge that’s been presented before them. Bringing in a speaker is a means to not only provide Read More

Leadership Effectiveness: Strategic Planning

Why is strategic planning important to organization leadership? In this month’s Center for Work Life vlog, Dr. Farnaz Namin explains the main components of strategic planning in correlation to leadership effectiveness.     Organizations without an evolving strategic plan stand about the same chance of success as a butterfly aiming to defeat Godzilla. Below are Read More

It’s Succession Planning, not the NFL Draft Results

Not having a succession plan is risky, and 92% of organizations recognize the plight of foregoing one. Despite the proven success of succession plans at leading Fortune 500 companies, such as McDonalds and LL Bean, a recent study by The Rock Center for Corporate Governance at Stanford University and The Institute of Executive Development (IED) revealed that only 46% of Read More

Managing Introverts like Audrey Hepburn

Management Monday: Managing and Motivating Introverts Modern business is all about extroverts, teams and collaboration, which is great. However, history has proven that it’s important not to overlook the value of introverts. The world recognizes introverts such as Warren Buffet, Jo Rowling, Johnny Depp, Audrey Hepburn and Steven Spielberg as some of the most impactful Read More

Hiring with Emotional Intelligence

Though the unemployment rate is holding near a five year low of 6.7%, Reuters reported job growth averaged about 195,000 per month in February and March (NBC). This is great news for organizations in need of more human capital and for job seekers. Or it’s bad news if companies aren’t strategic in their hiring procedures. Read More

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Engagement

Management Monday: Building Employee Engagement by Showing Appreciation At first, building and engaging a team sounds ideal and simple. Winning sports teams like the Connecticut Huskies and America’s favorite superheroes, The Avengers, make it look so easy. The thought process typically starts with needing specific skills to help achieve goals. Unfortunately, the art of constructing Read More

Employee Engagement Test

Call it committed, call it loyal or call it reliable; these terms all hint at an employee’s level of dedication to their employer. Commonly, Human Resources professionals refer to this as employee engagement. Emotional intelligence and employee engagement walk hand-in-hand to help sustain many of the world’s most successful companies. Case in point, in her Read More

Emerging Leaders Blog Series

* A Leadership Development Blog Series * April 2014 Center for Work Life put on thinking caps to determine a method for reaching out and assisting leaders in the local Orlando community. The Emerging Leaders blog series is the result.  Presentation Trainer, Marion Chapsal, developed a model of 12 leadership styles based on the SPM (Spony Profiling Read More

Can I Get a Big Mac With a Side of Succession Planning?

Management Monday: Managing Succession Planning McDonalds may not be the business to ask about healthy eating habits, but they do know something about succession planning. They have come to understand the costs and mayhem that are repercussions of losing key roles in the organization. It is thanks to their succession development process that the sudden Read More