Managing Conflict, without the Eclipse of Insecurity
When conflict arises, our first instinct is often to gain control of the situation by getting ahead of our feelings, the feelings of others, and stabilizing what is happening in a secure manner. There could be times where we believe we are securely handling a situation, or other times where we know we are not Read More

Texas Church Shooting Leadership Lessons
Texas Church Shooting Leadership Lessons As a generation Xer, there used to be a time when as an elementary school girl, I walked 10 miles from home to school, in the busy streets of a major city, walked back home, stopped by on the way home, bought a snack from my favorite snack shop with Read More

Leadership Deficits of Harvey Weinstein
Privacy is a concept very well confused in our culture today. In an era where almost all of our electronic devices track our everyday move, our psychographics and socio-economic decisions give life to Big Data and Artificial Intelligence to sell the next big thing, without our permission, and social media networks know where we go and Read More

Huricane Irma And Our Psychological Wellbeing
We all know that negative thoughts directly impact our happiness. But did you know that negative thoughts are actually literally poisonous to our psychological and emotional health? Case in Point Let’s imagine you are sitting in your family room after having watched the news on TV regarding the much anticipated hurricane Irma. You are by Read More

Executive Time Performance Management
Executive Time Performance Management The culture of quick riches, and success by how much you own and how many people you know, has given life to a “more is better” mentality. Movie such as Equilibrium, and Limitless have portrayed the transformation of the human capacity with “miracle” prescription drugs that allow one to do more Read More

Perfect Leadership Defined
Fact: The more successful you are, the greater your risk of developing blind spots. Why? Because we all suffer from Hubris to some various degrees. If you have ever attended one of our workshops on Emotional Intelligence, you have undoubtedly heard Dr. Namin speak on Hubris and how the greatest Achilles for most CEOs Read More

Escaping the Realms of La La Land
Besides their good looks and the assortment of talents, what do Ryan Gosling, Woody Harrelson, Adam Levin, and Jim Caviezel have in common? Well, although La La Land, the 2016 motion picture starring Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone delighted many audiences and brought home Oscar Awards in six categories, in our trivia quiz, Read More

America’s Got Talent. Do you?
The most recent episode of America’s Got Talent was conducted in a different manner than usual and many attribute this difference to Howard Stern and his thinking out of the box mentality. In a nutshell and we will come back to this later, he referred to the delivery of results, but through engagement rather than Read More

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Engagement
Management Monday: Building Employee Engagement by Showing Appreciation At first, building and engaging a team sounds ideal and simple. Winning sports teams like the Connecticut Huskies and America’s favorite superheroes, The Avengers, make it look so easy. The thought process typically starts with needing specific skills to help achieve goals. Unfortunately, the art of constructing Read More

Employee Engagement: Middle Earth Style
How is the concept of employee engagement best illustrated? Perhaps J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings, set in fictional Middle Earth, can help. Similar to a company forming a team to meet a need, characters in the Fellowship of the Ring form a group with the goal of destroying an evil ring, which will Read More