Welcome AI Talent, Goodbye Seasoned Talent
Ageism and general discrimination in the workplace is nothing new: for years, companies, managers, and even coworkers who have learned best from seasoned employees have presented a negative attitude towards individual employees simply because of their age. Perhaps this view is fueled by the thought that an aging individual cannot perform their job as efficiently, Read More

Leadership Deficits of Harvey Weinstein
Privacy is a concept very well confused in our culture today. In an era where almost all of our electronic devices track our everyday move, our psychographics and socio-economic decisions give life to Big Data and Artificial Intelligence to sell the next big thing, without our permission, and social media networks know where we go and Read More

America’s Got Talent. Do you?
The most recent episode of America’s Got Talent was conducted in a different manner than usual and many attribute this difference to Howard Stern and his thinking out of the box mentality. In a nutshell and we will come back to this later, he referred to the delivery of results, but through engagement rather than Read More

Managing Introverts like Audrey Hepburn
Management Monday: Managing and Motivating Introverts Modern business is all about extroverts, teams and collaboration, which is great. However, history has proven that it’s important not to overlook the value of introverts. The world recognizes introverts such as Warren Buffet, Jo Rowling, Johnny Depp, Audrey Hepburn and Steven Spielberg as some of the most impactful Read More

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Engagement
Management Monday: Building Employee Engagement by Showing Appreciation At first, building and engaging a team sounds ideal and simple. Winning sports teams like the Connecticut Huskies and America’s favorite superheroes, The Avengers, make it look so easy. The thought process typically starts with needing specific skills to help achieve goals. Unfortunately, the art of constructing Read More

Ugly Sweater Boss
This Blog has been featured by the West Orange Chamber of Commerce. Sources such as HLN have also been home to publications by Dr. Farnaz Namin-Hedayati and she has been cited by the Orlando Business Journal. The holidays can certainly be a time of stress for employees who struggle to balance the workload with added holiday responsibilities. However, the holidays Read More

MMM for the Millennial Revolution
Historically, insurrectionists have typically been greeted with hostility, and interestingly Millennials are often seen as insurrectionists in the workforce. However, a more appropriate description of Generation Y (Millennials) might be revolutionists. They certainly don’t have the intentions of tearing down greatness that has already been built; rather, they are progressive thinkers, looking to build on Read More

Kendrick Lamar of Performance Appraisals
It seems Lamar got a lot of heat because he decided to uninvitedly evaluate his performance as the “best in show” and his peers as “shovel” worthy (ABC News). Actions, not uncommon we would say in the corporate world. We call them “Performance Appraisals”, but anything from faulty metrics used as guidelines, to when or Read More

Come on Undercover Boss, “Turnover” a new leaf
Management Monday: Managing Executive and Employee Communication A disconnect between corporate headquarters and stores is often a stifling problem for organizations, even if they don’t realize it. Executives become busy at the headquarters, frequently having to work through their lunch break (2013 Executive Shadowing study). Every day meetings, emails, and tasks flood their schedule. At Read More