Hill County Farms Cattle

Management Monday: Managing Work Life Balance in Organizations Though the analogy may not be pleasant to think of, one might be justified in comparing an over-worked employee to a cow at a slaughterhouse. Offended? Keep reading. Overworked by the way doesn’t necessarily refer to a unit of time, where exceeding a number yields danger.  It Read More

Your Zimmerman Hurricane Plan

Organizations like to be prepared for hurricanes and other natural disasters, but how much stock is put into preparation for other unpredictable disasters? How would your organization react if Jodi Arias or George Zimmerman were your employees when they gained national attention in murder trials? What about the struggles that might result from high media attention Read More

Healthcare Reform and The Healthy Organization

Changes brought on by the recent healthcare reform have impacted employers significantly… Employees, understandably, want to ensure that above all else, their health-care needs are met. And although organizations want that for their employees as well, their profit margins need to be protected. The issue for both parties is the expense of paying for health Read More

Shrink employee turnover; Claim your seat at the Top Places to work table

It is Management Monday! This is the time of the week set aside for addressing anything from time management to management roles… Let’s talk about managing the employment appeal of your business!   Making it in to Forbes’ “The Best Companies to Work for” list sounds daunting. Even joining the ranks of a local “top Read More

Dig deeper to avoid CEO terminations

Senior level terminations have been on the rise. A recent Korn/Ferry international survey found that 48 percent of 262 participants were terminated from senior level positions within their first year on the job. Some CEO terminations seem to be tied to business and financial performance, such as Groupon’s recent firing of CEO, Andrew Mason. However Read More

Why ride the telecommute train?

It’s no secret that work-from-home days and telecommuting job opportunities are increasing across the country. Many predict that as new technology continues to infiltrate business, more companies will hop on the telecommuting job train. It is widely believed that there are advantages from financials aspects to collaboration for organizations that encourage telecommuting. From a historical Read More

Stuck in the middle

Sallie is an energetic, forty-two year old, successful executive.  She is dexterous, loving and highly successful at what she does.  The reality is however that her home is not always the most relaxing environment when it comes to reviving her. Her days can become very stressful, very quick, and at times she wishes she lived Read More

Recruiting your knights

With the unemployment rate high, HireRight.com recently found that 34 percent of job seekers falsify information on their resumes to get ahead in the race for employment. That is just one problem hiring managers run into during the hiring process. Some businesses that have poorly screened employees have suffered much more than lack of productivity. Read More

Considered Veterans Affairs

 President Obama’s State of the Union address brought with it so much to chew on. It was his mention of withdrawing 34,000 U.S. troops from Afghanistan within the year that caught our attention. We began thinking about the challenges vets often face in returning home. Already there are issues for veterans trying to find employment. Read More

Tips for managers in addressing higher taxes

Management Monday! The time of the week set aside for addressing anything from time management to management roles…   Tips for managers in addressing higher taxes No doubt everyone is aware of the fiscal cliff and recent deal in Washington, but not everyone is aware of the implications. If anything, many people are still holding Read More