Legoland Leadership Potential
Theme parks have taken a hold on modern society. They provide relief, fun, encouragement and inspiration for people around the world. They dazzle with genius rides and carefully constructed creations like a forty-three foot long Lego Star Wars X-Wing. However, these entertainment giants aren’t built overnight and they certainly don’t build themselves, not so unlike Read More

It’s Succession Planning, not the NFL Draft Results
Not having a succession plan is risky, and 92% of organizations recognize the plight of foregoing one. Despite the proven success of succession plans at leading Fortune 500 companies, such as McDonalds and LL Bean, a recent study by The Rock Center for Corporate Governance at Stanford University and The Institute of Executive Development (IED) revealed that only 46% of Read More

Can I Get a Big Mac With a Side of Succession Planning?
Management Monday: Managing Succession Planning McDonalds may not be the business to ask about healthy eating habits, but they do know something about succession planning. They have come to understand the costs and mayhem that are repercussions of losing key roles in the organization. It is thanks to their succession development process that the sudden Read More

Succession Planning: Planting Leadership Seeds
It is realistic to acknowledge that at some point, you may receive a promotion or have new job opportunities. When that time comes, have you thought about what seeds you will have planted so that your job duties are still fulfilled? Will you have trained a successor to fill your specific job title? Will you Read More