The Social Animal

  Human beings, young and older, function in this world according to one principle: to succeed, you need others.  This doesn’t mean you have to be liked by everyone, or to change everything about yourself to appeal to others of course, but it is the basic understanding that you can’t be all thing to all Read More

The Person Who Moves the Cheese

What defines a good leader is often misunderstood as someone who is capable of “running the show.”  The reality is that mobilizing others is what makes leaders.  Leaders need to be able to innovate and grow others so that they can move forward together. To do this best, one has to be quiet and just Read More

The “gut feeling”

The current events which took place in Libya over the past couple of days, have not only created a dangerous climate for everyday citizens of the country, and killed innocent lives, but have also catapulted the malicious reign of  medieval religious conflicts across the globe.     You have read various articles on conflict in the Read More

How many Standard Deviations equals Innovation?

At a time when we are programmed to value the new and the different, it may come as a surprise to learn that the standard, and the common are in actuality the drivers of transformation. Many of us fear and dislike the “McDonalds” of the world, because they are associated with factory-style service.  However, many Read More

How do you increase organizational effectiveness and the productivity of your workforce?

To increase organizational effectiveness, winning companies create sustainable competitive advantage by aligning their talent and business strategies. Mergers or acquisitions, restructurings or shifts in business strategy are examples of fundamental organizational change which create a strong demand for processes and systems to bring focus and restore the organization’s capability to function more effectively.   Organizational Read More

In Performance, Only the end justifies the means!

As a scientist and believer of the good in all human beings, one can probably guess that I am not interested in politics.  For one, it is manipulative and two, shameless.  However, I do like to stay informed, so I stay tuned.  In a much-anticipated speech to the Republican convention, Ann Romney set out to Read More

How are jobs actually created?

The topic of job creation is much misunderstood.  The topic has unfortunately become a political one.  But the reality is neither government nor the upper class can defiitely create jobs.  So how do new jobs get created? One way is to invent or develop something useful and new. For example, the invention of the transistor Read More

Check your Attitude at the Door!

During various sales training engagements and coaching sessions, I have been told one or more of the following regarding sales results:  “people just don’t want to buy anything these days”, some people just want everything for free”, “it’s just a bad time economically”. Who do you want to be: A frustrated, burned out individual, or Read More

Do you know all there is to know about influencing others?

click Team Engagement to view a recorded webinar explaining this and other useful leadership tools.  

Keep Work Fun

Look for ways to sneak in a little fun. For example, if you have a cafeteria, you can transform lunchtimes into concert times inexpensively by inviting employees with musical instruments (and hopefully a modicum of talent) to play and/or sing for their colleagues.  Or you can have a more designated and official day or days Read More