How to Increase Productivity

Provide resources. Offer articles, books, brown-bag lunches and online seminars about stress and overwork, work-life balance and personal energy management. This will give employees the information they need to make better choices about balancing their energies across their work and life. Use the material in this article to begin designing your own seminar. Better yet, Read More

Team Building and Retreats

 Hiring Top Performing Teams on a Limited Budget Unfortunately, the cutbacks at various companies have created the need for smaller number of employees doing the same amount of work in their organizations.  However, in order to be able to obtain the same effectiveness from the workforce, those employees are now increasingly encouraged to work in Read More

Leading with a Blanket of Support

During 2008, many companies found themselves in a state of shock. From challenged business results, to failed new ventures and in turn facing downsizing. Some companies including Circuit City, Best Buy, Gap Inc. etc. had to eliminate over 2000 in a brief period of time. This trend continues until today, and of course, following these Read More