Which Age, Sex and Race sleep better

Many employees suffer from drowsiness and lack of sleep at work. However, not many employees realize that age, sex and race can influence sleeping patterns. Here’s what you probably didn’t know about sleep: Young adults and senior adults need to sleep seven to nine hours per night. Sleep and Growing older, by the American Academy Read More

Is Paris Jackson a Victim of the Economic Crisis?

Recent articles like “Paris Jackson ‘Safe and doing fine,’ Says Family Members” (released by ABC News), have assured the public that Paris Jackson is “physically okay.” Though no official explanation concerning her hospitalization has been released, speculations heavily suggest a suicide attempt. Her family conveys that the teen has been “going through a lot” and Read More

Spoonful of Sugar Positive Thinking Tips

Maybe one of the most iconic characters in our media pop culture is Mary Poppins who is known for her positive thinking.  Her classic A Spoonful of Sugar song so accurately explains that “with every job that must be done, there is an element of fun.” Of course we all love her spoonful of sugar Read More

Do you have Stanley stress?

There are different categories for stress, but let’s talk about stress that can be controlled. This is stress that stems from personal actions and emotions. Maybe you missed the bus and are running late to work or perhaps a relationship with a co-worker is in a rough patch which is causing you stress. The reality Read More

Weekend Management

  Weekends are such a sacred and appreciated part of our lives. We look to them for so many functions from relaxation to family time, but if we aren’t careful they can throw us off our game. In the past, maybe you’ve felt like you are Richard Parker from Weekend at Bernie’s. Working on time off or not keeping up Read More

Behind schedule at work

  Sunday brought with it a fierce storm that spit in the face of any outdoor activities. By coincidence, this big storm hit on the day of the Arnold Palmer Invitational which has caused quite a stir in the golfing community. Hot on the trail of reclaiming his previous number one ranking, Tiger Woods discovered he would have to Read More

Jedi Stress Relief

Be it in the form of endless paperwork, time sensitive projects or planning big events, we all have our share of stress. The difficulty is managing the stress. Sometimes it seems overwhelming, but if we look around us we realize people deal with much more stress than our own on a daily basis. How do Read More

Workload Manager

Management Monday! The time of the week set aside for addressing anything from time management to management roles… This week let’s talk about workload management. We walk a fine line between wanting to be challenged and being overloaded. Unfortunately, we do often find ourselves trying to climb out of what feels like an endless abyss Read More

The Family Tray Overload

It’s 9:00am on a Tuesday morning. Nancy is collecting her final reports and finalizing her agenda for the big meeting at 9:30am. As the VP of Communications, company success rides on her ability to be present and productive in the office. Then she gets a phone call at 9:15am from the school her child attends. Read More

Job change with rose colored glasses

Things at work seem to be growing more stressful by the day. There are still the same complaints among co-workers about this client or that old software. You’re just feeling burnt out. Add to all that the seemingly endless demands of your position, that keep growing. Now you’re considering a new career path. Maybe that Read More