Let’s talk about Sex and Work-life balance
Management Monday: How is the male sex struggling to manage work life balance? From high-school vampires to over-the-top soap operas, television often misses the mark on portraying realistic situations. Once in a while though, realistic situations featuring relatable characters come across the screen. Tom Scavo, a character from Desperate Housewives, was one such character. Trying Read More

Hill County Farms Cattle
Management Monday: Managing Work Life Balance in Organizations Though the analogy may not be pleasant to think of, one might be justified in comparing an over-worked employee to a cow at a slaughterhouse. Offended? Keep reading. Overworked by the way doesn’t necessarily refer to a unit of time, where exceeding a number yields danger. It Read More

Making friends at Monsters University
First comes high school, then comes college, then comes the stress of adulthood. Like Sully and Wazowski in Monsters University, most of us find surprising friendships and build lifelong relationships when we attend college. After that, every minute of the day becomes consumed in meeting deadlines, skill development, taking care of the kids and balancing Read More

Break the heels Ladies
There is a lot of talk these days about women in the workforce. Are women seeing gender discrimination? Do we earn what we are worth? Are successful female professionals seen in a negative light? The debates are limitless. No matter the reality of those situations, we always have the ability to make continuous improvement and Read More

Is Paris Jackson a Victim of the Economic Crisis?
Recent articles like “Paris Jackson ‘Safe and doing fine,’ Says Family Members” (released by ABC News), have assured the public that Paris Jackson is “physically okay.” Though no official explanation concerning her hospitalization has been released, speculations heavily suggest a suicide attempt. Her family conveys that the teen has been “going through a lot” and Read More

How to do the things you love
This Management Monday, let’s look at managing interests There is a lot more to finding happiness than earning a big paycheck. You may have noticed that some people seem extremely fulfilled in life while others seem unmotivated and down. Further investigation will show that a large majority of the time, happy individuals aren’t necessarily rich Read More

Management Tips for Motivating Employees
It is Management Monday! Any manager can attest to the importance of employee motivation. Without proper motivation, organizations typically suffer huge setbacks including high turnover, low morale and ultimately declining success due to lack of employee productivity. This is a chain of unwanted outcomes that typically are not brought on solely by one party, but Read More

Mothers ask “To work or not to work?”
It is Management Monday! Let’s talk about mothers managing the important decision making topic of going back to work. Do you know a mother or are you a mother who is thinking about going back to work? Chances are you are familiar with this cross-road in some way. Recently, Pew Research reported that the percentage Read More

Why Business Success needs Business Women
We like to talk about the success of women in business, but how involved with business are women really? Time Magazine reports in the article “Confidence Woman” from March of 2013 that only 17 heads of state out of 195 are female. In fact, women only hold about 20% of parliament seats globally. What is Read More

Shrink employee turnover; Claim your seat at the Top Places to work table
It is Management Monday! This is the time of the week set aside for addressing anything from time management to management roles… Let’s talk about managing the employment appeal of your business! Making it in to Forbes’ “The Best Companies to Work for” list sounds daunting. Even joining the ranks of a local “top Read More