Weekend Management

  Weekends are such a sacred and appreciated part of our lives. We look to them for so many functions from relaxation to family time, but if we aren’t careful they can throw us off our game. In the past, maybe you’ve felt like you are Richard Parker from Weekend at Bernie’s. Working on time off or not keeping up Read More

Jedi Stress Relief

Be it in the form of endless paperwork, time sensitive projects or planning big events, we all have our share of stress. The difficulty is managing the stress. Sometimes it seems overwhelming, but if we look around us we realize people deal with much more stress than our own on a daily basis. How do Read More

“March Madness” or “March sadness”?

    We all know the upheaval caused by March Madness every year. Each company has to determine on their own what stance to take on dealing with March Madness in the workplace. The question is “Will it be ‘March Madness’ or ‘March sadness’ this year at your company?” We can’t answer what approach is Read More

Workload Manager

Management Monday! The time of the week set aside for addressing anything from time management to management roles… This week let’s talk about workload management. We walk a fine line between wanting to be challenged and being overloaded. Unfortunately, we do often find ourselves trying to climb out of what feels like an endless abyss Read More

The Family Tray Overload

It’s 9:00am on a Tuesday morning. Nancy is collecting her final reports and finalizing her agenda for the big meeting at 9:30am. As the VP of Communications, company success rides on her ability to be present and productive in the office. Then she gets a phone call at 9:15am from the school her child attends. Read More

Stuck in the middle

Sallie is an energetic, forty-two year old, successful executive.  She is dexterous, loving and highly successful at what she does.  The reality is however that her home is not always the most relaxing environment when it comes to reviving her. Her days can become very stressful, very quick, and at times she wishes she lived Read More

Mr. Valentine’s Day at the Office

February fourteenth brings with it talk of relationships, old and new.   Lovers everywhere are reminded to show appreciation for each other through various methods of expression. With the holiday, it is not uncommon for individuals to evaluate the strength of their relationship.  Although, one isolated circumstance can’t speak volumes about a relationship, every instance is Read More

Where would you be without your body?

It is Management Monday! The time of the week set aside for addressing anything from time management to management roles… Everyone knows that in order to achieve maximum productivity, one has to first take care of one’s own needs. Working parents are on top of the list when it comes to difficulties in time management.  Read More

Props to the working mom

Marissa Mayer is all over the news due to her choice to become CEO of Yahoo Inc. while being six months pregnant. No doubt, this is an exciting opportunity for her. Many people are even saying she will be remembered for generations if she can successfully pull this off. While her status, actions, and business Read More

Tackling the flu

Everyone knows the influenza virus struck early and forceful this year, but maybe not everyone has considered the implications or how to best deal with the flu monster professionally in the work-place. Being ill is an obstacle no one enjoys.  The important fact to consider, however, is that additional emotional burdens only make an already Read More