Reset the clock through time management

Management Monday! The time of the week set aside for addressing anything from time management to management roles…     10 Time Management tips: 1)      It is important to be realistic about how much time you have to dedicate in areas of your life before making additional commitments. Break down your work hours by considering Read More

You, Me and Robots

  Isn’t it interesting what modern electronic devices are capable of? Smartphones are programmed to speak back to us and iPads can sense our touch. These devices take photographs and store them, just like humans capture images in their memory. These man-made metal or plastic objects are moving past just sensory capabilities. Now intelligent robots Read More

Establishing personal technology contracts

We live in a society completely dependent on technology. The boom of technology integration into business has had many positive results. Employer to employee communication in many cases has drastically improved. For that matter, business communication with clients has become much more reliable. In all areas of living technology has in many ways improved day Read More

Who Wrote the Book of Time?

As if Christmas Island didn’t already have an edge on one of the major holidays, it jumped into the future at 5 a.m. ET on Monday, becoming, along with Kiribati and Samoa, the first populated place to reach 2013. Although as a race, us humans experience the hours, days, months and seasons differently, the way Read More

The Success Block

We have all heard of the writers’ block.  This is when a writer who is usually a brilliant communicator and fluidly exudes energy in writing and developing their content, cannot get the pen to make contact with the paper to move forward.  The writer becomes “stuck”.  It is commonly believed that writers’ block is caused Read More

To grow or not to grow

One of the biggest decisions business owners face is whether to try to expand their businesses. This may seem like a silly question: Who wouldn’t want a business to grow? But owners who choose growth can get stuck. For some, the issue is how to handle delegation. For others, it’s about raising enough capital. And Read More

Where have all the cowboys gone?

Trust forms the foundation for higher levels of retention, productivity, performance and citizenship behavior which are the “above and beyond” behaviors that lead and contribute to organizational success. According to a recent study by Center for Work Life conducted among more than 500 organizations large, medium and small, it was found that trust in the Read More

Wear it like a Tattoo.

Just the other day, I learned that there is a crime gang out there, that tattoos the necks of their victims with a barcode, which serves as an identifier.  Aside from its obvious terroristic approach, and dehumanizing effects, it got me thinking how this crazy idea could be applied to leadership.  As experienced leaders know, Read More

How are jobs actually created?

The topic of job creation is much misunderstood.  The topic has unfortunately become a political one.  But the reality is neither government nor the upper class can defiitely create jobs.  So how do new jobs get created? One way is to invent or develop something useful and new. For example, the invention of the transistor Read More

Women: it’s not diversity, it’s the future

    For decades, women have become increasingly more prominent in the work place. In 2004, women earned half of the bachelor’s degrees and nearly half of all law degrees; as of 2011, it has been reported that more women than men earn bachelor’s degrees or higher. Recruiting companies have a well-educated talent pool to Read More