Employee Productivity Analysis and Training


You Can Come on Board or Sink:

The case in point, Marriott International, with an estimated annual applicant flow of 2 million, 20 unique brands and 3,000 hotels in 60 countries, and an average annual applicant flow of 2 million, the selection process needed to be globalized and enhanced. This year, they installed a Global Selection Program that included 14 job-category specific online assessment that measures critical performance, administered to all hiring managers and job –specific interview guides.  Upon your consideration and necessitation, the accompanying interview guide could also be available in 22 languages. 

Through the installation of this system, the firm’s bottom-line got a boost.  By 2012, it is estimated that the cost savings from the previous selection programs would have already paid for the new system’s development costs, while also yielding the lowest costs in selection in more than a decade and better talent. 

Lets now consider the opposing scenario.  What if Marriot never installed a selection program?  The hiring costs for each employee, in addition to the layoff costs and under-productivity of each would no doubt cost Marriot at least $24million, considering the size of their applicant pool alone, and not their hiring and interview cost and loss of annual revenue.