How are jobs actually created?

The topic of job creation is much misunderstood.  The topic has unfortunately become a political one.  But the reality is neither government nor the upper class can defiitely create jobs.  So how do new jobs get created? One way is to invent or develop something useful and new. For example, the invention of the transistor made the microprocessor possible and spawned the personal computer industry, among many others. This invention is still creating jobs today. This is the reason why small businesses play a crucial role, because they lead to innovation.  If we  encourage basic research, that innovation will create new jobs.  One of the greatest of American job creators was Henry Ford. His idea revolutionized American business.

Another example, back in 1948 two brothers built a unique restaurant near 13th and ‘E’ streets in San Bernardino, California. They sold hamburgers for $.15 each and French fries for $.10 a serving. Their names were Richard and Maurice McDonald. Of course it was Ray Kroc that saw the staggering possibilities and started the fast food business in Oak Brook, Illinois. If anybody is to be given credit for all those jobs, it is Kroc.

How did these leaders do it? research, education, perseverance, the right counsel and innovation.  Without these ingredients added at the right moments, the innovative product would not grow, and jobs would not be created.

So how are jobs created? jobs are created by education and by innovation.  We hope that by problem-solving  for businesses, workers, organizations, and careers, organizations and individuals can think better and work more effectively;  hence be empowered to lead others toward new and unchartered territories.