Iron Man 3 and The Leadership Gadgets

ScreenplayActing as a leader is like writing your own screenplay. You have a vision of making a difference but getting from “A” to “B” isn’t as simple as 1, 2, 3. In the case of a screenplay, ultimately the audience isn’t concerned about the details of writing mechanics or the changes that happened along the way. Many written words, team collaboration during production, and more lead to what the audience does care about which is the movie. The final product is what causes impact and draws out reaction. Without achieving a result that demands impact while evoking reaction, time spent on the screenplay is wasted. Obviously, leaders face a similar dilemma. Leaders can spend years following leadership checklists, but if they haven’t discovered how to spark reaction in people, they’ve likely not achieved potential.

So how does a leader “write” their life screenplay in such a way that pushes the boundaries; a screenplay, that like some of the best movies impacts people’s cores and demands action? Let’s look at some great movies like Iron Man 3 to utilize some tricks.

 Remember the “Human Factor”

Photo Credit: Fan Pop

Photo Credit: Fan Pop

Heavy action and special effects are a common trend in high-budget Hollywood movies today. The problem is that more and more of these movies become so entrenched in the “fluff” that they lose the human connection to the audience. Fortunately, not all blockbusters have fallen pray to the trend. Iron Man 3 has received praise in this area because the writers chose to emphasize Tony Stark’s bad past and relationships. Despite his superhero persona as Iron Man, the audience gets to know the person underneath. Basically this film relies more heavily on relating to the character rather than showing a lot of “fluff.”

As a workforce leader, don’t get caught up in the numbers, the data and the statistics. Those elements are all important to the business, but as a leader, one must focus on behaviors that are responsible for producing the numbers. Only in that sense can the numbers provide an indication of the extent to which the focus is appropriate or should be altered.

Cling to the Unexpected

Unfortunately with the age of technology has come a very impatient society. Everything is at our fingertips and boredom strikes easily. Keeping each day upbeat prevents disinterest. When analyzing classically successful films, the unexpected moments are of course the most noteworthy. Think of when Darth Vader revealed his identity as Luke’s father in Star Wars. More recently, Tony Stark finds himself in the unexpected scenario of functioning without access to all his money.

As the writer of your leadership screenplay, don’t be afraid to take risks or try the unexpected. Take it to the next level by challenging yourself ruthlessly. Sure, it is scary and sometimes it won’t result the way you thought it might. Still, even when things don’t go as planned, being a risk taker and innovator will inspire others. Inspiring others is the true mark of a leader.