Leadership Qualities of Irvine Robbins

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I scream, you scream, we all scream for an ice cream empire like the one founded by Irvine Robbins. Or if we aren’t screaming for ice cream, we’re chasing another sweet dream. The trick is plucking the dream from impossibility status and making it attainable. As an innovative leader, this seemingly insurmountable challenge is one Irvine Robbins (a.k.a. Irv Robbins) proved to be possible. In fact, Robbins displayed a range or admirable leadership qualities, which leaders today would do well to emulate.


Irvine Robbins Leadership Qualities

1. Realism

Irvine Robbins said “You look at any giant corporation, and I mean the biggies, and they all started with a guy with an idea, doing it well” (Entrepreneur.com). In his eyes, nothing was unattainable. If given proper effort, he knew he could succeed. Ironically, for most people the idea of chasing dreams is a glass half empty scenario. The thought processes consist of “it’s so much work, what if I fail?” and “what are the chances someone like me will succeed?” But Robbins focused on the flip side of the coin. He knew his glass was half full of ice cream and understood that with determination and hard work, success in the industry of his choice was realistic.

2. Inviting Input

If there’s one thing Robbins did well, it was taking advice. Among his favorite activities was naming new flavors of ice cream, and he was known for incorporating customer ideas as well as public opinion. In a Los Angeles Times article, Valerie Nelson wrote “Robbins marveled at how often customers pitched him ideas for new flavors.” The article cites a quote from Robbins that a man even pitched him an idea on the freeway once. Beyond his nature to embrace the ideas of consumers, his team effort mentality was clear in his business partnership with Burton Baskin. Maybe the best advice he ever followed was given to him by his father. According to various sources, including Entrepreneur.com, following the advice of his father, Aaron, Robbins and Baskin decided to launch their own ice cream stores and wait to merge into one enterprise. This was suggested because of the stress and potential conflicts in getting the business running. It proved to be terrific advice that Robbins never regretted following. Based on his decisions to invite input in his life, its likely Robbins would advise leaders today to do the same.

Irv-robbins-Leader3. Staying Current

Robbins recognized the country adored ice cream: it was a public favorite. Robbins noted “There was really no such thing anyplace as a pure ice cream store” (Times, 1985).  He also realized that if done well, ice cream could sustain a business. In keeping with the country’s love for the product, he met a current need. In addition, Baskin Robbins was known for their culturally inspired ice cream names such as “Baseball Nut.”The name was coined in 1958 honoring the Dodgers in Los Angeles. Utilizing current events and trends in business decisions often yields success for entrepreneurs.

4. Innovation

It’s been said before, but it must be said again: innovation is the mark of a leader. Just like Steve Jobs changed the business world through new products like the iPad, or Bill Gates’ software forever redefined technology, Baskin and Robbins revamped the business world. Not only did Baskin Robbins become a business gorilla because two men were inspired to start ice cream stores, but their business is also the grandfather of franchise operations. “That’s when we hit on selling our stores to our managers” Robbins said in a 1985 Times story. “Without realizing it at the time, we were in the franchise business before the word ‘franchise’ was fashionable. We opened another store and another and another. . . .”

Leaders who see their glass is half full of ice cream, realize dreams are attainable, can take a piece of advice or two, keep up with the times and try new things are off to a good start.


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