Live like Christmas

We’ve all been told about the importance of staying true to one’s self. Still, stories like that of Christmas Abbott’s can truly inspire us to take action. Christmas Abbott has been a game changer from the start. As young as age ten, Christmas decided she wanted to play baseball. The problem was, “she was a girl.” Despite efforts to dissuade Christmas as well as her supportive family, she played ball.

Since then Abbot has continued to carve out an unconventional but fulfilling path. From spending nearly three years in a war zone cleaning blood stained clothes at a military laundry center to opening a CrossFit gym, she has defied gender roles repeatedly. Past that, she has challenged both society and individuals to look past stereotypes. Christmas is a reminder of how much we can accomplish when we embrace our gifts. Recently, she became NASCAR’s first female pit crew member.


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Her story is one to remember. You can have a similar story. From pressures of earning a living to balancing time at home, it is easy to lose sight of what makes us who we are. But the reality is that losing sight of who we are puts us in a cage. Don’t let society or people in your life dictate your direction. Only you have the capability to understand what drives you in life; only you can choose to nurture that. If you want to write, then write. If you want to own your own business, then do it. Do you dream of a distinguished government title? You should pursue that. Adopting a fearless attitude like that of Christmas Abbott will set you free. It’s never too late to live like Christmas!