Lunch with the CEO

Lunch with the CEO




A leader must be equipped with a set of competences   necessary to perform his/her role. The challenge, however, is that we are often times limited by the routine that keeps us from creativity, innovation and  critical thinking.

What if you had the opportunity to meet with successful and highly achieved individuals just like yourselves but with a fresh perspective?  What if you could address some key business questions such as these:

  • As a leader within your daily interactions and strategic planning, which one of your attributes or competencies would you say is the most important ability you possess?
  •  Where will the most significant growth occur in the company in the next few years? How can I become involved in that area?
  • Due to the global financial climate how is your company diversifying to maintain or indeed forging ahead of competitors?

The Center For Work Life is inviting you to a fun and refreshing lunch paired with a forum to freely communicate and interact with like-minded individuals who can challenge you but also serve as a sounding board in providing first hand leadership tools, different from what you may be used to. An open and unbiased feedback process, which can address questions/concerns you may be currently faced with in your role.  Are you up for the challenge?

When: Friday, July 27, 2012 @11:30-1:oo p.m.

Where: Cariera’s Italian Restaurant  7600 Dr. Phillips Blvd. #12  Orlando, FL 32819

Cost:  $10.00

Reservations are made on a first come first served basis, so please contact to RSVP: (407)217-2560 Ext. 1