Can I Get a Big Mac With a Side of Succession Planning?

Management Monday: Managing Succession Planning McDonalds may not be the business to ask about healthy eating habits, but they do know something about succession planning. They have come to understand the costs and mayhem that are repercussions of losing key roles in the organization. It is thanks to their succession development process that the sudden Read More

Emma Watson & 4 Celebrity Success Struggle Lessons

Management Monday: Managing Success As of 2013, 7.1 billion people were reportedly using the internet, up from 6.5 billion in 2005 (Wikipedia). Despite all the information and activity online, it’s still tough to find information on coping with success and negotiating the kind of stress that comes with being a leader who is looked to for Read More

Jofi is no joke

Management Monday: Managing to Avoid Employee Dissatisfaction In an ideal world, every employer and organization would harmonize like America’s Got Talent’s opera group Forte. Unfortunately, that just isn’t the way the world works. Case in point, last week Jofi Joseph was fired from his post as a White House National Security Advisor after a sting Read More

Executive Suicides Under Pressure

“Pressure pushing down on me, Pressing down on you.” You may recognize those lyrics from the famous Queen and David Bowie song called Under Pressure. No doubt, this song calls to mind the realization of stress and fear in life. Fear of failure, fear of pain, fear of rejection and more are landing people every Read More

Hulk Syndrome

Symbolism represented by the famous fictional character, The Hulk, warrants attention in a conversation about Anger Management. First lets address that Anger doesn’t have to be a negative emotion.  In fact, used as a calibrator, it can be utilized as a signal for the inner-self to guide thought into action.  As emotional intelligence experts, we Read More

Tissues and Hershey Kisses

Management Monday: What can Hershey teach us about managing our leadership qualities? From the scrumptious milk chocolate Hershey’s we can’t resist at the check-out line on a weekly basis to the average $100.2 million dollars worth of Hershey kisses we purchase annually, there’s no denying the joy this chocolate brings to our lives.   Ironically, Read More

Your Zimmerman Hurricane Plan

Organizations like to be prepared for hurricanes and other natural disasters, but how much stock is put into preparation for other unpredictable disasters? How would your organization react if Jodi Arias or George Zimmerman were your employees when they gained national attention in murder trials? What about the struggles that might result from high media attention Read More

Lions and Tigers and Confidence, oh my!

It’s all about confidence on Management Monday Laugh if you will, but who hasn’t struggled with confidence? Maybe you turned away from that sport you once loved or that hobby that could have been fun, because you didn’t think it was “your strong suit.” What about the promotion at work that you haven’t had the Read More

Jim Carrey’s opened bottle of emotions

In our society, speaking against the crowd or having a change of heart on an important matter is typically greeted with hostility. Sure, we have the legal right to speak our minds, but what are the repercussions? Many of us fall victim to groupthink situations that stem from lack of team building. We later realize Read More

Is Paris Jackson a Victim of the Economic Crisis?

Recent articles like “Paris Jackson ‘Safe and doing fine,’ Says Family Members” (released by ABC News), have assured the public that Paris Jackson is “physically okay.” Though no official explanation concerning her hospitalization has been released, speculations heavily suggest a suicide attempt. Her family conveys that the teen has been “going through a lot” and Read More