How Nasdaq and you Multi-Scramble

Management Monday: Heard of “Multitasking?” What about managing the Multi-Scramble? The latest technology breakdowns shut down trading on the Nasdaq market and it’s more than 3,000 stocks — including some of the most popular among investors, like Apple and Google — for more than three hours Thursday afternoon. This goes to show, even computers can’t Read More

Improvising highway: it’s your line anyway

“Okay team, what’s the plan?” Everyone glances around the table, expecting someone else to break the silence. “Garry, let’s hear what you’ve got to say” his boss demands. *** Sound familiar? Minus the enjoyable comedic factor, this kind of think-on-your-feet scenario is like an everyday office version of Whose Line Is It Anyway? Unfortunately, high-pressure Read More

How to get Promoted

  Do’s and Don’t of Promotions I work with many individuals who are shakers and movers.  They have been with their organization for at least 10 years, have a strong sense of their job duties and requirements, and yet are passed during promotions.  They come to me, because they are tired of being the “door Read More

Mothers ask “To work or not to work?”

It is Management Monday! Let’s talk about mothers managing the important decision making topic of going back to work. Do you know a mother or are you a mother who is thinking about going back to work? Chances are you are familiar with this cross-road in some way. Recently, Pew Research reported that the percentage Read More

Jedi Stress Relief

Be it in the form of endless paperwork, time sensitive projects or planning big events, we all have our share of stress. The difficulty is managing the stress. Sometimes it seems overwhelming, but if we look around us we realize people deal with much more stress than our own on a daily basis. How do Read More

Make it a CEO “green day”

Management Monday! The time of the week set aside for addressing anything from time management to management roles… Sometimes it’s fascinating the way simple concepts from our youth can translate into our thoughts and actions during our adulthood. For example, if you ask a child how their day at school was, they might respond “I Read More

Considered Veterans Affairs

 President Obama’s State of the Union address brought with it so much to chew on. It was his mention of withdrawing 34,000 U.S. troops from Afghanistan within the year that caught our attention. We began thinking about the challenges vets often face in returning home. Already there are issues for veterans trying to find employment. Read More

Expert Speaker

Ready to make serious progress? Get started today! Expert Speaker  Speaker Videos Center for Work Life Presentation from Elmwood Forest Productions Inc. on Vimeo.       Leadership and Management Speaker       Motivational Speaker Dr. Namin believes that your vision whether for yourself or your organization, determines your reality.  As a psychologist, through both her change management Read More

Tips for managers in addressing higher taxes

Management Monday! The time of the week set aside for addressing anything from time management to management roles…   Tips for managers in addressing higher taxes No doubt everyone is aware of the fiscal cliff and recent deal in Washington, but not everyone is aware of the implications. If anything, many people are still holding Read More

Busting the Talent Myth

  In a marketplace of seemingly abundant talent, why is there not much hiring happening? In an uncertain economy, passive candidates who are either employed and looking just to look, or are available yet unenthusiastic in obtaining the training, education, or experiences necessary for the right fit may provide a “false positive” when assessing the Read More