Emotional Intelligence Programs

Ready to make progress? Get started today! Emotional Intelligence Training with the Power of Bio-Metrics Technology Never before has there been a program in the world that enables you to tap in to your emotions in real time and help you train to be a better you.  Can you imagine the possibilities?  That meeting you have always dreaded but Read More

Which Age, Sex and Race sleep better

Many employees suffer from drowsiness and lack of sleep at work. However, not many employees realize that age, sex and race can influence sleeping patterns. Here’s what you probably didn’t know about sleep: Young adults and senior adults need to sleep seven to nine hours per night. Sleep and Growing older, by the American Academy Read More

Who’s your Daddy? Celebrating my Organization on Father’s Day

Management Monday – Managing job appreciation on Father’s Day This past weekend was the celebration of Father’s Day.  Some people traveled across the county to see their dads, some took their pops to lunch, others sent a heart-warming gift, while still others honored the memory of their father on father’s day in their own sacred Read More

How to get Promoted

  Do’s and Don’t of Promotions I work with many individuals who are shakers and movers.  They have been with their organization for at least 10 years, have a strong sense of their job duties and requirements, and yet are passed during promotions.  They come to me, because they are tired of being the “door Read More

The relationship between innovation and acquisition

  Yahoo recently announced their acquisition of Tumblr (a blogging and social media platform). Everyone knows that good business leaders sometimes have to take risks. The concern in the case of this acquisition is less about taking a risk and more about wishful thinking. Since yahoo’s inception in 1997, the company has undergone seventy-seven acquisitions Read More

Mothers ask “To work or not to work?”

It is Management Monday! Let’s talk about mothers managing the important decision making topic of going back to work. Do you know a mother or are you a mother who is thinking about going back to work? Chances are you are familiar with this cross-road in some way. Recently, Pew Research reported that the percentage Read More

Why Business Success needs Business Women

We like to talk about the success of women in business, but how involved with business are women really? Time Magazine reports in the article “Confidence Woman” from March of 2013 that only 17 heads of state out of 195 are female. In fact, women only hold about 20% of parliament seats globally. What is Read More

Emotional Intelligence of a Clown Fish

More and more, people are becoming aware that Emotional Intelligence involves being aware of their own emotions as well as those around them. In a nutshell, here is the overall on what it measures: The Emotional Intelligence Ability Model: Perceiving Emotions– Think about the concept of languages. Words we speak don’t just automatically make sense Read More

Combating the Unemployment rate

The March 2013 unemployment numbers are in from the Bureau of Labor Statistics and they aren’t exactly cause for celebration. Having only dropped 0.1% to a national unemployment rate of 7.6%, employers and employees have reason for concern. Fortunately, companies are slowly hiring on new employees, though they seem to be hesitant. This is understandable as with Read More

Why ride the telecommute train?

It’s no secret that work-from-home days and telecommuting job opportunities are increasing across the country. Many predict that as new technology continues to infiltrate business, more companies will hop on the telecommuting job train. It is widely believed that there are advantages from financials aspects to collaboration for organizations that encourage telecommuting. From a historical Read More