Expert Speaker

Ready to make serious progress? Get started today! Expert Speaker  Speaker Videos Center for Work Life Presentation from Elmwood Forest Productions Inc. on Vimeo.       Leadership and Management Speaker       Motivational Speaker Dr. Namin believes that your vision whether for yourself or your organization, determines your reality.  As a psychologist, through both her change management Read More

About Us

Ready to press pause and restart your best life? Get started today! Unleashing Your Potential We believe mastery over thoughts and emotions is the greatest challenge in life.  Yet, equally, it is also the pathway to power and freedom.  Although we all strive for peace, we are not born with strong Emotional Intelligence. We have to learn it Read More

Props to the working mom

Marissa Mayer is all over the news due to her choice to become CEO of Yahoo Inc. while being six months pregnant. No doubt, this is an exciting opportunity for her. Many people are even saying she will be remembered for generations if she can successfully pull this off. While her status, actions, and business Read More

Game Changers

Management Monday! The time of the week set aside for addressing anything from time management to management roles… Between Martin Luther King Jr. day and President Obama’s inauguration, it seems appropriate we pause for a moment to not only honor leaders, but to learn from them. As professionals trying to balance our lives while changing Read More

Tips for managers in addressing higher taxes

Management Monday! The time of the week set aside for addressing anything from time management to management roles…   Tips for managers in addressing higher taxes No doubt everyone is aware of the fiscal cliff and recent deal in Washington, but not everyone is aware of the implications. If anything, many people are still holding Read More

The Success Block

We have all heard of the writers’ block.  This is when a writer who is usually a brilliant communicator and fluidly exudes energy in writing and developing their content, cannot get the pen to make contact with the paper to move forward.  The writer becomes “stuck”.  It is commonly believed that writers’ block is caused Read More

Wear it like a Tattoo.

Just the other day, I learned that there is a crime gang out there, that tattoos the necks of their victims with a barcode, which serves as an identifier.  Aside from its obvious terroristic approach, and dehumanizing effects, it got me thinking how this crazy idea could be applied to leadership.  As experienced leaders know, Read More

Busting the Talent Myth

  In a marketplace of seemingly abundant talent, why is there not much hiring happening? In an uncertain economy, passive candidates who are either employed and looking just to look, or are available yet unenthusiastic in obtaining the training, education, or experiences necessary for the right fit may provide a “false positive” when assessing the Read More

Check your Attitude at the Door!

During various sales training engagements and coaching sessions, I have been told one or more of the following regarding sales results:  “people just don’t want to buy anything these days”, some people just want everything for free”, “it’s just a bad time economically”. Who do you want to be: A frustrated, burned out individual, or Read More

Lunch with the CEO

Lunch with the CEO       A leader must be equipped with a set of competences   necessary to perform his/her role. The challenge, however, is that we are often times limited by the routine that keeps us from creativity, innovation and  critical thinking. What if you had the opportunity to meet with successful and Read More