Reset the clock through time management

Management Monday!

The time of the week set aside for addressing anything from time management to management roles…


Photo Credit: cozgrl05


10 Time Management tips:

1)      It is important to be realistic about how much time you have to dedicate in areas of your life before making additional commitments. Break down your work hours by considering how much time is spent in meetings or checking email, then plan commitments. At home, prioritizing family and personal needs appropriately is crucial.

2)      Be aware of what aspects of your current schedule may not be as productive. A lot of people schedule their priorities rather than prioritize their schedule. Schedule your time according to your values.

3)      Create a weekly list of top goals and make sure they align with your top values. Having these overall weekly value focused goals will keep you from doing tasks that won’t benefit you.

4)      Organize your workspace. Knowing where things can be found gives you clarity and helps you work faster. If you spend five minutes looking for your pen, ten minutes searching for that lost file on your computer, and twenty minutes looking for a contact’s phone number all before lunch, you’ve already lost thirty-five valuable minutes in the first half of your day.

5)      Complete one thing at a time. A list of too many tasks overwhelms your mind and your schedule. Having already narrowed down your overall goals in tip number three is a great start.

6)      Make any important decisions at your earliest convenience. Research shows that procrastination on decisions is correlated with highest rates of burn out. This includes any type of conflict.

7)      Communicate well with others. Lack of communication can lead to a missed overlap of information or tasks that could save you time. Due to lack of communication, maybe you and your co-worker have both dedicated thirty minutes to the same task.

8)      Realize that often it is helpful to delegate. There are things that just have to get done, but that doesn’t always mean you have to do them yourself. Utilize those that have offered help and trust them with responsibility.

9)      There are often “white space” times between appointments or other obligations. Take advantage of time gaps with small or breakable tasks in order to save yourself time later. Those twenty minutes you have between meetings can be more valuable than you think. Review your calendar or check email to save time later.

10)  Know when to “politely decline.” It isn’t a simple thing for any of us, but it is a reality. Not every opportunity is one we can fit in the schedule. While we want to be team players and go-getters, we have to be realistic. Focus on goals concerning work-life balance, family and other priorities.


In an ever changing-fast paced society, everyone struggles with time management. While these tips are helpful, remember you are only human. Cut yourself slack and reward yourself for finding a good balance.