Interpersonal Relationships and Conflict Resolution

Since August 2020,  the rates of anxiety, depression, grew by a staggering 20% globally since the epidemic.  The rates were even higher in the US.  In 2023, around 49,476 people in the United States died by suicide. This number includes both teenagers and adults. Specifically for teenagers and young adults aged 10 to 24, there were about 6,529 suicides.  Despite increased training for mandated reporters,  in addition to acceptance in individual diversities, we have become a culture of avoidance. Avoiding real conversations, expressing our true thoughts, and turning to substances and entertainment as a way of avoiding emotions has caused us to become a more isolated society.

Here at Center for Work Life Counseling, Dr. Namin’s mission has been to continue to help individuals learn the necessary skills for resolving conflict, and rather than avoiding each other, to learn how differences can help us grow, if we only invest the effort.