Communication For Conflict Resolution

Ready to make serious progress? Get started today!

You already know that individuals with excellent interpersonal skills are the ones that rise to the top of their careers and live more fulfilling lives.

Dells Official Flickr Page - Group photoResearch has shown that neither intelligence, nor income, nor academic background has been linked directly to success.  In other words,  if you take two people with the same level of all of the above, but one with stronger Emotional Intelligence, the latter always gets ahead faster and goes further.  The good news is that Emotional Intelligence unlike general IQ can be learned!

Many individuals who come across as naturals at the art of relating to others, are in actuality trained formally or informally to understand their own emotions and the emotions of others and hence, are artful and strategic at powerfully connecting with others.  The ability to build effective relationships, to build instant rapport, to communicate with tact, and to make a memorable impression are skills that can be learned and sharpened with time and practice.

No other skill set is as crucial to your professional and/or personal success!

Take the conflict resolution pre-assessment to find out where are you.

Communication in Conflict Resolution

Program Modules

Module 1:  Self-Awareness

  • Understanding how strong EI will magnify your personal power dramatically 
  • Assessing your EI: how successfully do you connect with others? 
  • Exploring your interpersonal motivations: In what situations do you feel fulfilled vs. anguished vs. anxious? 
  • Analyzing various communication styles to discover yours 
  • Discovering your communication habits of interaction and finding your pitfalls

Module 2:  Power of Connections

  • How to avoid the top mistakes of relationships 
  • Your personality as a tool for gaining home advantage 
  • The power of connecting with the unknowns 
  • 10 pathways that create alliances with other departments 
  • Feedback giving 

Module 3:  The Power of Persuasion

  • A step-by-step method for winning  “nay sayers” over to your side 
  • Effective responses for disarming disagreeable people, and whiners 
  • Words and phrases likely to get you cornered 
  • Communication techniques for master negotiators 
  • The toolkit for the win-win agreement 
  • PTM?  Toolkit for communicating your ideas in a way that creates buy-in

Module 4:  Tact and Politics during Conflict

  • Standards that help minimize negativity in the workplace 
  • Saying the right thing at the right time – scripts for diplomatic communication 
  • Discovering the “real issue” or the ice berg itself 
  • Techniques that alleviate explosive situations to solution 
  • Working through conflict- the three steps to gateway to heaven 
  • How to illicit, receive and handle regular constructive feedback without defensiveness 
  • Using EI to curb your emotions from self-sabotaging behaviors 
  • How to say “no” confidently 
  • How to assert your presence for successful outcomes today and tomorrow



Module 5:  Liking Difficult People and Getting Them to Like You

  • Why are they so? 
  • Recognizing the cycle of training 
  • Categorization of “difficult people” and all their shapes and sizes 
  • Rebuilding your dictionary for words to fit the difficult situations 
  • Counteracting the most common weapons difficult people use 
  • Avoidant vs. patient, rogue vs. disagreeable




 Photo Credit: Dell’s Official Flickr Page

Center for Work Life of Orlando, Florida is an award-winning executive development and leadership training firm providing leadership and management training to executives and organizations. Our main services include executive coachingleadership developmentexecutive succession planningemotional intelligence trainingcareer planningstaff development, and communication in the workplace.


Needs and topics addressed within these categories include: management styles, situational leadership, developing leadership qualities, executive recruitment training, work life balance, emotional intelligence training,  work performance, stress management in the workplace, stress management activities, time management activities, team development, problem solving activities, management consulting training programs, professional communication, assertive communication coaching, interpersonal skills for top performers, effective communication styles, communication techniques, communication training, effective communication skills, workplace communication, public speaking skills, presentation skills, and conflict management strategies.

Effective Public Speakers can be difficult to find, but Center for Work Life has that covered too. As a leadership, communications, and change management speaker, Dr. Farnaz Namin of Center for Work Life raises the bar in interactive presentations. We can also help companies conduct organization research and run focus groups.