Shrink employee turnover; Claim your seat at the Top Places to work table

It is Management Monday!

This is the time of the week set aside for addressing anything from time management to management roles…

Let’s talk about managing the employment appeal of your business!


Making it in to Forbes’ “The Best Companies to Work for” list sounds daunting. Even joining the ranks of a local “top places to work” list is challenging. Everyone wants to know how to side step the typical high employee turnover factors like poor supervision, monetary dissatisfaction, poor organization and more, which hinder landing on the best of the best lists.


Photo Credit: Jake Brereton


Best of the best tips:

Offer growth opportunities
If you aren’t showing opportunities to employees to improve their situation in the future, you aren’t offering them much to work for. That would be a one sided scenario where they are meeting your needs with no mutual benefit. Employees who have something to work toward stick with companies longer.

Respect the need for focus

Employees become overwhelmed by distractions like meetings everyday and a load of mandatory emails (that actually serve no purpose). This leads to reduced productivity which leads to poor self-esteem and general unhappiness. Avoid that kind of scenario by eliminating unnecessary companywide emails and being very selective about planning meetings.

Encourage initiative and autonomy

Micromanagement can dull employee enthusiasm. There is a fine line to walk in being approachable when employees need assistance while offering freedom for the employees to develop their own methods. Research shows that typically employees prefer to solve challenges on their own.

Be strategic with managers and new employees

Unfortunately one of the most common complaints among employees is dissatisfaction with their boss. If this is caught at an early stage, it can be a salvageable situation. Make sure that new managers are not thrown into hot water. Guide their transition to a management role. In some situations, teaching and learning styles just don’t mesh. Be sensitive to this type of scenario and consider pairing the new hire with a new mentor if that is an option.

Make work life balance a priority

A 2012 study by the America Psychological Association found that over two thirds of employees surveyed want to stay at their job because the job fits well with other aspects of their lives. From flex-time to telecommute options, companies offering more work life balance options are retaining their employees.

Bonuses and unique benefits packages

Even offering small bonuses when able shows employees they are valued and needed. Similarly, taking the time to construct unique benefits packages that offer perks like childcare can really go a long way. Even surprising the office with pizza for lunch shows appreciation.


These are some great tips to help companies make the “Best company to work for” list, but without an emotionally intelligent approach to these ideas, there will be no success. This is an umbrella list of concepts that can’t possibly encompass the individual needs of employees. So above all, be in tune with employees. Communicate with them and listen intently so you can improve employee retention and develop long lasting relationships with your team.