Tag Archives: behavioral analysis

What’s Mine Isn’t Yours

What’s Mine Isn’t Yours

Shakespeare said “what’s mine is yours, and what is yours is mine.” But what about the part of mine that isn’t yours”? Shared possessions aren’t exactly a practicality in the business world. Negotiations are the reality of the professional arena. Some of us know how to hardball and get what we want out of a Read More

Despicable Golden Corral Compass

Despicable Golden Corral Compass

Though it may not be a material compass like the one used in the movie The Golden Compass, using a moral compass in business and life is crucial for success. Have you utilized your moral compass lately? In other words, are you inspecting the best value-based path for yourself and your organization? If you’re not Read More

Jim Carrey’s opened bottle of emotions

Jim Carrey’s opened bottle of emotions

In our society, speaking against the crowd or having a change of heart on an important matter is typically greeted with hostility. Sure, we have the legal right to speak our minds, but what are the repercussions? Many of us fall victim to groupthink situations that stem from lack of team building. We later realize Read More

What’s the difference between an executive and a Chimp?

What’s the difference between an executive and a Chimp?

While we think of ourselves as the most advanced mammals in the world, it stands to reason that at times we would be wise to take notes from our furry friends. It can be comical to step back and consider what people can learn from animals, but also a growth opportunity specifically as it applies Read More

Which Age, Sex and Race sleep better

Which Age, Sex and Race sleep better

Many employees suffer from drowsiness and lack of sleep at work. However, not many employees realize that age, sex and race can influence sleeping patterns. Here’s what you probably didn’t know about sleep: Young adults and senior adults need to sleep seven to nine hours per night. Sleep and Growing older, by the American Academy Read More

If Nintendo Direct could talk

If Nintendo Direct could talk

If Nintendo Direct was a person, its friends might not be too happy with it. Both businesses and professionals stand to learn a lesson about why that is the case. Nintendo Direct is the new internet home for Nintendo news. Like its competitors, Microsoft and Sony, Nintendo typically holds an annual press conference, but this Read More

Is Paris Jackson a Victim of the Economic Crisis?

Is Paris Jackson a Victim of the Economic Crisis?

Recent articles like “Paris Jackson ‘Safe and doing fine,’ Says Family Members” (released by ABC News), have assured the public that Paris Jackson is “physically okay.” Though no official explanation concerning her hospitalization has been released, speculations heavily suggest a suicide attempt. Her family conveys that the teen has been “going through a lot” and Read More

How to do the things you love

How to do the things you love

This Management Monday, let’s look at managing interests There is a lot more to finding happiness than earning a big paycheck. You may have noticed that some people seem extremely fulfilled in life while others seem unmotivated and down. Further investigation will show that a large majority of the time, happy individuals aren’t necessarily rich Read More

Defensive Communication: Nassau Shooting Study

Defensive Communication: Nassau Shooting Study

For some it may feel quite disheartening and for others it may be what they are accustomed to, but defensiveness in communication is a scary habit to form. Defensive behavior happens when an individual perceives the message as a threat. Based on information collected by the Office of Naval Research, Jack R. Gibb explains that Read More

The relationship between innovation and acquisition

The relationship between innovation and acquisition

  Yahoo recently announced their acquisition of Tumblr (a blogging and social media platform). Everyone knows that good business leaders sometimes have to take risks. The concern in the case of this acquisition is less about taking a risk and more about wishful thinking. Since yahoo’s inception in 1997, the company has undergone seventy-seven acquisitions Read More