Tag Archives: business leader

Business Success: Take it from someone who’s been there

Business Success: Take it from someone who’s been there

Becoming successful involves trial and error. There are lessons along the way and everyone’s story is different. It is one thing to be told which qualities to strive for and another to learn from mentors. Much can be gained from yielding to the advice of those that have traveled the same path. Below is a Read More

Margaret Thatcher Leadership Qualities to note

Margaret Thatcher Leadership Qualities to note

Every soul walks the earth leaving “footprints” wherever they go. These footprints include relationships formed, social and societal changes prompted, innovations encouraged or simply words uttered that inspired growth and positive change. There are certain individuals, such as the late Margaret Thatcher, who manage to leave more than footprints. Leaders like Margaret Thatcher leave sturdy Read More

Pay what you want business strategy

Pay what you want business strategy

Successful businesses are those that are responsive to customer needs and make socially responsible decisions. Sometimes the trick lies in the balance to achieve those goals. New ideas are always on the rise, but the most emotionally intelligent ideas which incorporate a win-win approach promise the best results. Panera’s recent Pay-What-You-Want (reminiscent of the movie Read More

Dig deeper to avoid CEO terminations

Dig deeper to avoid CEO terminations

Senior level terminations have been on the rise. A recent Korn/Ferry international survey found that 48 percent of 262 participants were terminated from senior level positions within their first year on the job. Some CEO terminations seem to be tied to business and financial performance, such as Groupon’s recent firing of CEO, Andrew Mason. However Read More

Why ride the telecommute train?

Why ride the telecommute train?

It’s no secret that work-from-home days and telecommuting job opportunities are increasing across the country. Many predict that as new technology continues to infiltrate business, more companies will hop on the telecommuting job train. It is widely believed that there are advantages from financials aspects to collaboration for organizations that encourage telecommuting. From a historical Read More

Lessons from the Catholic Church: Succession Planning?

Lessons from the Catholic Church: Succession Planning?

Champ Rawls of The Rawls Group in Orlando, FL makes a good case for the correlation between Catholic Church leadership and succession planning. With Pope Benedict’s recent decision to step down, Rawls draws attention to the striking similarities between the responsibilities of the Pope and of a business leader. From leading others, to driving the Read More

Make it a CEO “green day”

Make it a CEO “green day”

Management Monday! The time of the week set aside for addressing anything from time management to management roles… Sometimes it’s fascinating the way simple concepts from our youth can translate into our thoughts and actions during our adulthood. For example, if you ask a child how their day at school was, they might respond “I Read More

Considered Veterans Affairs

Considered Veterans Affairs

 President Obama’s State of the Union address brought with it so much to chew on. It was his mention of withdrawing 34,000 U.S. troops from Afghanistan within the year that caught our attention. We began thinking about the challenges vets often face in returning home. Already there are issues for veterans trying to find employment. Read More

Succession Planning: Planting Leadership Seeds

Succession Planning: Planting Leadership Seeds

It is realistic to acknowledge that at some point, you may receive a promotion or have new job opportunities. When that time comes, have you thought about what seeds you will have planted so that your job duties are still fulfilled? Will you have trained a successor to fill your specific job title? Will you Read More

And the Oscar goes to….

And the Oscar goes to….

It is Management Monday! The time of the week set aside for addressing anything from time management to managing roles… Managing career success can be tricky. We all want to succeed at our jobs. Aiming to overcome the learning curve, master our obligations and attain promotions is only the beginning of what we hope to Read More