Tag Archives: business leader

What can the Super Bowl teach small businesses?

What can the Super Bowl teach small businesses?

The biggest budgeting mistake small businesses make is the act of actually making a budget in the first place. The most intelligent and effective way to manage your company is to create a forecast instead. But what’s the difference between a budget and a forecast? A budget looks backwards, using past performance to try and Read More

Strong arm, ethical weakness

Strong arm, ethical weakness

As accomplished professionals, we understand the gravity of what leadership means. People we care about depend on our leadership. People we don’t know are affected by it. Our decisions can influence the course of history, even if in some small way. Everything we do as leaders is tied to other lives. This means every crucial Read More

What is the difference between being a business leader and the leader of the Free World?

What is the difference between being a business leader and the leader of the Free World?

In order to address this question we have to first discuss the difference between leaders and managers.  Both are important to the success of an organization or institution, but there is a fundamental philosophical and operational difference between a leader and a manager. And the differences become even more compelling in government. In simple terms: Read More

Certainly not Blissful Unsuccessful Executives

Certainly not Blissful Unsuccessful Executives

“Learn from the mistakes of others. You can’t live long enough to make them all yourself.” –Eleanor Roosevelt Sydney Finkelstein studied 50 companies that were at the top of the food chain but soon plummeted. Some of which included, Enron, Tyco, WorldCom, Rubbermaid, and Schwinn. In his research, he found that the senior executives at Read More

Leading with a Blanket of Support

Leading with a Blanket of Support

During 2008, many companies found themselves in a state of shock. From challenged business results, to failed new ventures and in turn facing downsizing. Some companies including Circuit City, Best Buy, Gap Inc. etc. had to eliminate over 2000 in a brief period of time. This trend continues until today, and of course, following these Read More