Tag Archives: communication

Mad Employee Wildfire

Mad Employee Wildfire

Management Monday: Managing Mad Employees No one likes to talk about office politics, bad bosses, emotionally abusive coworkers, or people being shoved under the rug due to popularity. Sadly, these situations are symptoms of poor work culture and every company is susceptible, especially during changes in management like those happening at Microsoft or during acquisitions Read More

Guess the Negotiation Wizard…

Guess the Negotiation Wizard…

Recently, Center for Work Life addressed the topic of Leader Negotiation Skills on Blog Talk Radio. We explained the correlation between emotional intelligence, negotiation and conflict resolution. In discussing this topic, we also presented clues regarding an individual who is known for strong negotiation skills. If you missed this Blog Talk Radio chat, you can Read More

Anchorman and Leader Negotiation Skills

Anchorman and Leader Negotiation Skills

EI & Conflict Resolution: Leader Negotiation Skills The movie Anchorman charmed movie watchers when it was released in 2004. Though approached from a comedic standpoint, it touched on topics like women in business and workplace conflict. Everyone laughed when Ron and Veronica hit each other with rude remarks in the movie, but demeaning comments between employees Read More

The Call of the Banshee: Technology

The Call of the Banshee: Technology

Management Monday: Managing Soft Skills In the hit show Downton Abbey, the kitchen cook, Mrs. Patmore, is terrified when she hears a phone ring for the first time, a sound which she describes as “the call of a banshee.” This period drama does a brilliant job of highlighting the difficult transition of technology into the Read More

Catching Fire on the job?

Catching Fire on the job?

This Blog has been featured by the West Orange Chamber of Commerce. Sources such as HLN have also been home to publications by Dr. Farnaz Namin-Hedayati and she has been cited by the Orlando Business Journal.   Management Monday… Managing the Boss Feeling suppressed? You were excelling in your company until you got that promotion, but now you seem to be the Read More

Emotional Intelligence & Conflict Resolution

Emotional Intelligence & Conflict Resolution

This Blog has been featured by the West Orange Chamber of Commerce. Sources such as HLN have also been home to publications by Dr. Farnaz Namin-Hedayati and she has been cited by the Orlando Business Journal.    Statistics speak to the need for improved Emotional Intelligence in the workforce. The typical manager spends 25-40% of his or her time dealing with Read More

“What Not to Ask” on Veterans Day

“What Not to Ask” on Veterans Day

This Blog has been featured by the West Orange Chamber of Commerce. Sources such as HLN have also been home to publications by Dr. Farnaz Namin-Hedayati and she has been cited by the Orlando Business Journal.    Across America this Veterans Day, events and ceremonies are honoring brave veterans. These are leaders who have sacrificed time with their families and sometimes Read More

Deception Detection Dollars

Deception Detection Dollars

This Blog has been featured by the West Orange Chamber of Commerce. Sources such as HLN have also been home to publications by Dr. Farnaz Namin-Hedayati and she has been cited by the Orlando Business Journal.  Management Monday: Managing Deception Detection Skills Business life is stressful enough without having to worry about deceitful people. But as this GALLUP survey chart suggests, Read More

Hang on to Your Communicator Badges

Hang on to Your Communicator Badges

Monday Management: Managing Virtual Teams for Success Modern day business increasingly has more and more in common with Star Trek’s United Federation of Planets. How so? Business professionals might not be sporting stylish gold and silver communicator badges like Starfleet personnel (pictured on the uniforms in the image to the right), but the utilization of Read More

150 Lakers

150 Lakers

Management Monday: Magic 150 Adopting the number 150 into business strategy can be highly useful concerning relationship strategy, particularly in the realms of Management and Social Media. Why 150? It has to do with relationships and human cognitive ability. “The figure of 150 seems to represent the maximum number of individuals with whom we can Read More