Tag Archives: communication

Don’t “like” your Facebook life?

Don’t “like” your Facebook life?

Today, it is common to be on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google Plus and other Social Media platforms, expanding the reach of one’s friends to the thousands. In fact, the number of monthly active Facebook users now totals 850 million people (Huffington Post). On the surface, this seems like a terrific thing. Who doesn’t love to Read More

Washington Navy Yard: Turn the Ship Around

Washington Navy Yard: Turn the Ship Around

This morning, a shooting on the Washington Navy Yard resulted in several injuries and even some fatalities (CBSNEWS). In thinking of the people affected by this situation, our hearts are heavy. With the advents of technology, learning to penetrate a security fire-wall has become a lot more possible than it used to be and although Read More

Breaking Bad Body Language

Breaking Bad Body Language

Management Monday: Body Language Management Breaking Bad is one of the hottest shows on television right now. In fact, Ozymandias (the most recent episode) lit up social media conversations and hit Google’s top trends. Viewers can’t get enough of the desolation and desperation. The show is a shining example of creating empathy through body language. Read More

Patience, Samsung Friends

Patience, Samsung Friends

You know those horrible work scenarios in the TV show Friends? Like when Monica got off on the wrong foot at her new restaurant job? The staff went so far as to play practical jokes on her, which resulted in a spaghetti sauce mess on her uniform. Or in Joey’s case, a co-star showed up Read More

Bye Bye Birdie

Bye Bye Birdie

12 Resignation Pointers Is it time to relocate? Another organization has offered you your dream job or possibly perks your current job has been lacking. You may not have even been looking for an opportunity, but something amazing fell in your lap. Despite what brought you to this point, you’ve accepted a new position or Read More

The Silent Company of Lee Thompson Young

The Silent Company of Lee Thompson Young

You’re at work and things are going well. But then an employee doesn’t show up. They completely miss the morning part of their shift without warning and can’t be reached by phone. After informing the police of the situation, the department receives a call. You’re informed that your employee has committed suicide. This was what Read More

Five Straight Birdies!

Five Straight Birdies!

Management Monday: Managing your Networking skills Golf is a sport of skill and precision, but also a game of psychology. Those characteristics make the sport not that different from the world of networking. Arnold Palmer who won four of the seven Masters between 1958 and 1964. Tiger Woods and many more legendary golfers did not Read More

Kendrick Lamar of Performance Appraisals

Kendrick Lamar of Performance Appraisals

It seems Lamar got a lot of heat because he decided to uninvitedly evaluate his performance as the “best in show” and his peers as “shovel” worthy (ABC News).  Actions, not uncommon we would say in the corporate world.  We call them “Performance Appraisals”, but anything from faulty metrics used as guidelines, to when or Read More

Improvising highway: it’s your line anyway

Improvising highway: it’s your line anyway

“Okay team, what’s the plan?” Everyone glances around the table, expecting someone else to break the silence. “Garry, let’s hear what you’ve got to say” his boss demands. *** Sound familiar? Minus the enjoyable comedic factor, this kind of think-on-your-feet scenario is like an everyday office version of Whose Line Is It Anyway? Unfortunately, high-pressure Read More

What’s Mine Isn’t Yours

What’s Mine Isn’t Yours

Shakespeare said “what’s mine is yours, and what is yours is mine.” But what about the part of mine that isn’t yours”? Shared possessions aren’t exactly a practicality in the business world. Negotiations are the reality of the professional arena. Some of us know how to hardball and get what we want out of a Read More