Tag Archives: communication

Your Zimmerman Hurricane Plan

Your Zimmerman Hurricane Plan

Organizations like to be prepared for hurricanes and other natural disasters, but how much stock is put into preparation for other unpredictable disasters? How would your organization react if Jodi Arias or George Zimmerman were your employees when they gained national attention in murder trials? What about the struggles that might result from high media attention Read More

Despicable Golden Corral Compass

Despicable Golden Corral Compass

Though it may not be a material compass like the one used in the movie The Golden Compass, using a moral compass in business and life is crucial for success. Have you utilized your moral compass lately? In other words, are you inspecting the best value-based path for yourself and your organization? If you’re not Read More

Is Cirque Du Soleil becoming your Circus Act?

Is Cirque Du Soleil becoming your Circus Act?

Unfortunately, a tragedy took place in Las Vegas last Sunday when Cirque Du Soleil acrobat Sarah Guyard-Guillot died after a 50 foot fall during a performance. The rope broke, causing her to plummet to her demise and the show “Ka” has been cancelled until further notice. In the wake of this heart-breaking tragedy, we wish Read More

What’s the difference between an executive and a Chimp?

What’s the difference between an executive and a Chimp?

While we think of ourselves as the most advanced mammals in the world, it stands to reason that at times we would be wise to take notes from our furry friends. It can be comical to step back and consider what people can learn from animals, but also a growth opportunity specifically as it applies Read More

Reporting Co-Workers prevents a Drinking Pilot?

Reporting Co-Workers prevents a Drinking Pilot?

Monday Management Topic: Managing Co-Worker Struggles Sometimes the common good for all out-weighs loyalty. In an ideal world, we would all get along on the job and no one would ever step out of line or make terrible decisions. A work environment would consist purely of friendly interactions and hardworking people. However, this isn’t an Read More

Bringing Virtual Meetings to Life

Bringing Virtual Meetings to Life

It comes as no surprise that the popularity of virtual meetings within organizations and between business leaders is growing. Aside from saving travel costs and other expenses, these meetings are easier to plan and execute. Technology surges forward making leaps and bounds in communication. Still, utilizing new technology doesn’t eliminate all the old challenges. If Read More

The Family Tray Overload

The Family Tray Overload

It’s 9:00am on a Tuesday morning. Nancy is collecting her final reports and finalizing her agenda for the big meeting at 9:30am. As the VP of Communications, company success rides on her ability to be present and productive in the office. Then she gets a phone call at 9:15am from the school her child attends. Read More

Can you hear me now?

Can you hear me now?

Management Monday! The time of the week set aside for addressing anything from time management to management roles… Let’s talk about managing office communication! Sometimes you might feel like you’re struggling to productively communicate your message to your coworkers, or employees. At times it seems like you are on two different wave lengths! Have you Read More

Stuck in the middle

Stuck in the middle

Sallie is an energetic, forty-two year old, successful executive.  She is dexterous, loving and highly successful at what she does.  The reality is however that her home is not always the most relaxing environment when it comes to reviving her. Her days can become very stressful, very quick, and at times she wishes she lived Read More

Tackling the flu

Tackling the flu

Everyone knows the influenza virus struck early and forceful this year, but maybe not everyone has considered the implications or how to best deal with the flu monster professionally in the work-place. Being ill is an obstacle no one enjoys.  The important fact to consider, however, is that additional emotional burdens only make an already Read More