Tag Archives: conflict resolution
I Send You Sheep Among a Pack of Wolves

I Send You Sheep Among a Pack of Wolves
Office Politics is the inevitable. If you feel uneasy with resolving conflict or looking at it in the eye, you certainly have a hurdle to jump over. Whether you believe in reincarnation, god, or simply the psychology of fear and life, they all basically say the same thing: What you fear most, will ultimately be Read More
Lohan Persuasion

Lohan Persuasion
Persuasion can be the dreaded “sour milk” of a conflict resolution “party” or the crowd favorite “fruit punch.” Persuasion can easily sour or strengthen a communication process, based on the approach. Tasting effective persuasion is the result of following the recipe correctly. And when two sides disagree, it’s easy for flavors to clash. Whether it Read More
Silence the Scandal

Silence the Scandal
Sometimes the root of conflict resolution seems as elusive as the hit TV show Scandal. Scandal’s Olivia (played by Kerry Washington pictured to the right) is often shocked by the actions of others, for example when Fitz doesn’t treat her with respect. This kind of shock, frustration and confusion is no stranger in the face Read More
EI & Conflict Resolution: Persuasion George Washington Style

EI & Conflict Resolution: Persuasion George Washington Style
Persuasion is a key element of conflict resolution and negotiation. Being persuasive is also key to effective leadership. However, skills of persuasion don’t necessarily come naturally to everyone. With that in mind, below are some tips for persuasion. Tips for Persuasion: 1) Focus on emotional appeal2) Utilize the persuasion tools model3) Use emotional intelligence to Read More
Mad Employee Wildfire

Mad Employee Wildfire
Management Monday: Managing Mad Employees No one likes to talk about office politics, bad bosses, emotionally abusive coworkers, or people being shoved under the rug due to popularity. Sadly, these situations are symptoms of poor work culture and every company is susceptible, especially during changes in management like those happening at Microsoft or during acquisitions Read More
Guess the Negotiation Wizard…

Guess the Negotiation Wizard…
Recently, Center for Work Life addressed the topic of Leader Negotiation Skills on Blog Talk Radio. We explained the correlation between emotional intelligence, negotiation and conflict resolution. In discussing this topic, we also presented clues regarding an individual who is known for strong negotiation skills. If you missed this Blog Talk Radio chat, you can Read More
Anchorman and Leader Negotiation Skills

Anchorman and Leader Negotiation Skills
EI & Conflict Resolution: Leader Negotiation Skills The movie Anchorman charmed movie watchers when it was released in 2004. Though approached from a comedic standpoint, it touched on topics like women in business and workplace conflict. Everyone laughed when Ron and Veronica hit each other with rude remarks in the movie, but demeaning comments between employees Read More
Donald Trump Or Donald Duck?

Donald Trump Or Donald Duck?
This Blog has been featured by the West Orange Chamber of Commerce. Sources such as HLN have also been home to publications by Dr. Farnaz Namin-Hedayati and she has been cited by the Orlando Business Journal. Leadership Qualities Donald Trump Could Adopt Center for Work Life has a monthly theme that interlaces through our publications and media content. This month’s theme Read More
Catching Fire on the job?

Catching Fire on the job?
This Blog has been featured by the West Orange Chamber of Commerce. Sources such as HLN have also been home to publications by Dr. Farnaz Namin-Hedayati and she has been cited by the Orlando Business Journal. Management Monday… Managing the Boss Feeling suppressed? You were excelling in your company until you got that promotion, but now you seem to be the Read More
Patience, Samsung Friends

Patience, Samsung Friends
You know those horrible work scenarios in the TV show Friends? Like when Monica got off on the wrong foot at her new restaurant job? The staff went so far as to play practical jokes on her, which resulted in a spaghetti sauce mess on her uniform. Or in Joey’s case, a co-star showed up Read More