Tag Archives: Emotional Intelligence
How to Deal with People that have Low EI

How to Deal with People that have Low EI
No matter how resolute one becomes to strengthening their own emotional intelligence level, the fact remains that people around them aren’t necessarily emotionally intelligent. For that matter, even when aware of the emotional intelligence concept, people don’t always want to grow. That leaves an emotionally intelligent individual on an island in a low emotional intelligence Read More
How to be an Emotionally Intelligent Leader

How to be an Emotionally Intelligent Leader
Management Monday: Emotionally Intelligent Leadership Actions speak louder than words. The most impactful way to inspire emotional intelligence in a team or group is to lead by example. In X-Men Days of Future Past, Professor Xavier is able to influence a friend to make a good decision and spare lives. It is the professor’s patience Read More
3 Leadership Qualities of Henry Ford

3 Leadership Qualities of Henry Ford
There are many values visible in the life of Henry Ford that enabled him to be a highly successful business leader. However, it seems that his value of employees, belief in equality and emotional intelligence truly set him apart from others. Henry Ford’s leadership qualities enabled him to change the trajectory of workplace practices. 3 Read More
Amazon Best-Seller Announcement: The Ocean’s Riddle

Amazon Best-Seller Announcement: The Ocean’s Riddle
Dr. Farnaz Namin’s children’s book, The Ocean’s Riddle, recently became an Amazon Best-Seller. Center for Work Life happily extends congratulations! The Ocean’s Riddle is a story that embodies some of Center for Work Life’s primary values. The book offers a great example of work life balance which can be seen in the mother’s Read More
Hiring with Emotional Intelligence

Hiring with Emotional Intelligence
Though the unemployment rate is holding near a five year low of 6.7%, Reuters reported job growth averaged about 195,000 per month in February and March (NBC). This is great news for organizations in need of more human capital and for job seekers. Or it’s bad news if companies aren’t strategic in their hiring procedures. Read More
Employee Engagement: Middle Earth Style

Employee Engagement: Middle Earth Style
How is the concept of employee engagement best illustrated? Perhaps J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings, set in fictional Middle Earth, can help. Similar to a company forming a team to meet a need, characters in the Fellowship of the Ring form a group with the goal of destroying an evil ring, which will Read More
Employee Engagement Test

Employee Engagement Test
Call it committed, call it loyal or call it reliable; these terms all hint at an employee’s level of dedication to their employer. Commonly, Human Resources professionals refer to this as employee engagement. Emotional intelligence and employee engagement walk hand-in-hand to help sustain many of the world’s most successful companies. Case in point, in her Read More
Your American Hustle

Your American Hustle
Management Monday: Managing Personal Accountability American Hustle claimed 10 Academy Awards and seems to have won America’s love as an instant classic film. Even after weeks in the spotlight, leading actress, Jennifer Lawrence is still grabbing headlines for her edgy performance. And sure, it’s good entertainment. Unfortunately, the “hustle” mentality portrayed by the fictional characters Read More
EI & Conflict Resolution: Persuasion George Washington Style

EI & Conflict Resolution: Persuasion George Washington Style
Persuasion is a key element of conflict resolution and negotiation. Being persuasive is also key to effective leadership. However, skills of persuasion don’t necessarily come naturally to everyone. With that in mind, below are some tips for persuasion. Tips for Persuasion: 1) Focus on emotional appeal2) Utilize the persuasion tools model3) Use emotional intelligence to Read More
The Phony Holiday: Valentine’s Day

The Phony Holiday: Valentine’s Day
Let’s take a break from office-talk today and focus on work life balance and strengthening personal relationships through EI. On his vlog, Mike Baxter of the comedy TV series, Last Man Standing, describes Valentine’s Day as a “phony, stupid, con game.” This is an example of emotional intelligence “hitting the fan” at high speed. But Read More